( Author's Note: Yet another preview of a scene that is going to be in my next novel )

“Hey girl! You made it.” Courtney's piercing blue eyes lit up with a smile as Amy approached the long line of people standing on the sidewalk, a line that was wrapped halfway around the Troubadour nightclub where one of their favorite bands, the Goo Goo Dolls, would be playing a little more than an hour from now.
“Yeah.” She regarded her with a small smile. “Luckily Christian is still at work, hopefully in the middle of surgery so he didn't see me sneak out.”
But when he gets home, your ass is gonna be grass. In more ways than one.
Courtney breathed a sigh. “Well that's a relief. Why does he have you on house arrest anyway?”
She gnawed on her bottom lip, tucking a loose strand of her long dark hair behind her ear and looking down at her feet, covered by a pair of black leather combat boots. “He's just worried about me. I pushed myself a little too much yesterday and he wants me to stay in bed and rest up.”
“Pushed yourself? What do you mean? Like with your heart?”
She shrugged, gingerly lifting her gaze yet refusing to speak a word.
Two little lines appeared between Courtney's thin, shapely brows as they drew together, her pretty face darkening with a scowl. “Oh God. . .”
Uh oh. Here it comes.
“You really shouldn't be out of bed, should you?”
“Court. . .” She rolled her eyes, casting her gaze to the clear and starry night sky. “I'm fine, okay? I feel fine now. And like you said before, Christian isn't the boss of me.” Well, not entirely.
“Yeah, but--”
The people behind Courtney started moving, giving her the perfect opportunity. “The line's moving!”
Courtney spun on the kitten heels of her glittering black sandals and scurried to catch-up with the pack. She followed behind her, the small dark hairs at the back of her high ponytail gently tickling the nape of her neck as she strode forward. Courtney attempted to bring up the subject again as they filed into the club and handed over their tickets, but she simply pretended as if she didn't hear her.
No way in hell was she about to get another motherly lecture from her own best friend. She got enough lectures from Daddy Dominant, Christian, but that was to be expected now that she had given him her submission. As the people around them gathered on the hardwood floor before the stage, she attempted to find a spot where she wouldn't get too squished. At least she didn't have to worry about height. Being five-feet, eight inches, she was a lot taller than most of the other girls there.
Courtney turned to her. “And when Christian finds out you snuck out. . .then what?”
Both her ass and her nether region started throbbing at the image her question brought to mind. “I might not be able to sit down for a week.”
She winced. “Ouch. Major spanking, huh?”
Courtney chuckled. “Something tells me you might actually like it.”
She shook her head, a shiver dancing down her spine. “Not if he uses his belt.”