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Had COVID. . .but I still have a job

So it happened again. . .I ended up getting fucking COVID from my mom and bitch aunt. Probably I hardly

doubt it came from anyone else. I mean, okay, maybe it could've come from a customer at work, or who knows but more than likely it was them. Luckily, I didn't end up with a 104 fever this time or in so much pain that I could barely get up out of bed like I did before. Whether there really ARE different strains of this or not, I don't know, but I didn't have a fever at all. Just cold symptoms, but I succumbed to a home test, even though I thought my mom would shove it all the way up into my nostril and into my brain like you've seen those cunts do on TV. I was surprised it wasn't that bad, but yeah, I had COVID which started on the morning of the 29th, and then I started to feel better around the 5th, so I guess I had it for a week. Last time I remember I had it for 2-3 weeks. I'm pretty sure I blogged about it here last time when I had it too. I really, really didn't want this shit to happen again. I wanted it to be a cold. Or maybe even bronchitis ( I've had that before even though I'm no smoker ) but no. . .I had to end up getting COVID again. I tried to stay away from my mom and you know I steer clear of that bitch I hate most, my aunt, but when my mom has been the one picking me up and taking me to work, well. . .it's kind of hard not to be near her or put myself in direct exposure to her. . .even if we are both wearing face diapers. Anyway, I had this runny nose at first, which made me go through nearly a whole box of kleenex in a day but I also had this dry but hoarse and hard cough, nasal & chest congestion, sneezing, sometimes headache, fatigue, body aches, dizziness and sometimes chest pain. And of course, as I'm sure you probably guessed, Christian wasn't the one taking care of me this time. . .it was Eddie & Buck.

They were hard at work along with my medical spirits. They're such sweeties! I'm glad they couldn't catch anything and it was so sexy to see them walking around here in their uniforms with their Littmann stethoscopes hanging around their necks. They also took it upon themselves to hook me up to the heart monitor so that they could keep an eye on my vital signs. Well, everything except for my blood pressure and temperature. Those they were checking manually. Buck was checking my temperature and Eddie was taking my blood pressure. Sometimes they also took turns listening to my heart and lungs. Eddie was mostly doing the listening to my lungs, especially when I started coughing. He'd even do it while I was lying down on my side, reaching around me to get his stethoscope on my back. Sweet Lord! Then Buck followed his lead and did the same thing. God I still love watching them work. . .even if its on me. 😍😍 Also when they saw my oxygen level drop when I was lying down, as per usual, they made me wear that damn oxygen mask, whether I liked it or not. Only more so with COVID. Well, actually, they tried to sweetly persuade me to let them put it on me, and then damn it, I gave in because I kind of liked it and I like being submissive to the mask and having Eddie slap it back on my face when he still thinks I need it. He even had Buck watching my monitor when he couldn't see it because he went as far as to crawl under my mosquito net ( the black one that hangs over my half of the bed now -- I don't know if I mentioned that before but I don't get bit anymore 😁 ) and tend to me on the other side of the bed. Buck does that too now. Yesterday, after I got sick to my stomach from ordering and eating a MOD pizza from Door Dash, he did it again. He and Eddie took care of me and OMG! They were stething me at the same time. Buck was listening to my lungs from my back and Eddie was listening to my heart from the front, having opened the net just enough so he could do so. Then Buck listened to my stomach after Eddie told him to, and reported that I had "hyperactive bowel sounds," which Eddie indicated were consistent with my regular baseline or something like that then, being a sweetie that he is, Buck covered me back up with the covers when he was done. And he and Eddie were like stroking me reassuringly and comfortingly, Eddie stroking my arm and Buck stroking my side through the covers. I love them so much! I love that they're both willing to crawl under the net to come and tend to me. That's what I love about them being paramedics. . .that when I can't move, they'll come to me instead. I know that it's technically their job but its still sweet as hell. So Buck offered to crawl under the net to tend to me too when I had COVID but Eddie assured him that he had it under control and he needed him to keep an eye on my monitor. It was so sweet because sometimes he would look over at Buck and be like: "How's she looking, buddy?" And of course Buck would tell him that everything looked good, my oxygen and heart rate, but my respirations were "a little rapid" sometimes or my oxygen would dip for a few seconds.

At one point, Damon even came in to try and visit me but when Eddie, Buck & Christian saw that it was starting to affect my condition, they tried to get him to leave. I feel bad for him because I know all he wanted was just to say "hi" to me and see how I was doing. I told them to just let him say "hi" and stay for a few minutes so they gave him like five minutes to do that. The thing that pissed Eddie off the most and almost led to our break-up was that I masturbated while I was sick. . .twice. Mostly because the urge hit me while I was on the monitors and mask. He wasn't happy with me putting my life in danger like that and exerting myself unnecessarily, and he made me promise not to do it again or that would be the end of us. 😞 So I had to stop that. Plus, he agreed with what my friend, Kat, said, that my heart could be weak during my illness, but apparently it wasn't THAT weak. I guess I have a stronger heart than I assume I do. It just gets irritated with me sometimes and skips with PVCs or palpitations or something. For a while, I actually thought I was going to die. Well, actually, it was just the first day that I went right to the death assumption, especially since I lost my smell and taste again. I told Kat that and she said that she has this intuition when someone is going to die like a year before they even do and she is always right and told me I was NOT going to die this time. Of course, she was right. I guess it was just me being dramatic but yeah. . .cold symptoms suck. Glad that's all it was and it didn't last but like a week. Maybe my body recognized it and was better at fighting it off this time. I mean, that would make sense. Anyway, that week, I had Tuesday & Wednesday off from work so I was good there, but then I had to call out on Thursday onward and also call this place called Sedgwick that Alex told me about, and file a leave of absence and get this, THEY ACTUALLY PAY YOU FOR IT IF YOU HAVE COVID! 🤘🏽😁💃 My friend Samantha told me they did when she had it, at least five days' worth of pay so I was like RIGHT ON!! I just had to send them proof of my positive home test, and then I was good! So despite being sick, let's just say I FINALLY got that time off I wanted since I started. Eddie & Buck were definitely happy about that and insisted that they weren't giving me medical clearance until they deemed me healthy enough. And of course, until my symptoms disappeared. 😌😊You gotta love em'! By the way, when they DID deem me medically cleared, they said it with yummy snack & cookie boxes from Sugarwish. . .granted, it was with my own money but the thought was so sweet and I wanted an excuse to try it out, and pretend like I was getting a "get well" gift from them.

And while I was home, I got paid again a SHITLOAD of money, which I'm assuming was partly from my paid sick leave and erm. . .I sort of went a little overboard buying subscription boxes online. 🫣🫢Yeah. . .I forgot about those things and then once I started, I couldn't stop. You know how much I LOVE getting mail! It's like early Christmas presents. Eddie was telling me to stop, but damn it, I couldn't help it. So how many do I subscribe to? Eight! Yeah, yeah, I know, but I swear, I'm only trying some out. If anything, I'll keep 3 or 4 of them. I don't want to break the bank every time I get paid. Those things are like fucking $50 a piece! On average. So these are the ones I subscribe to:

  1. Stick In A Box ( jerky & meat snacks )

  2. Box of Books ( 1-2 books and more curated goodies )

  3. Creepy Crate ( true crime & horror box )

  4. Try My Snacks ( snack box )

  5. Japan Crate ( snack box )

  6. Unboxing the Bizzare: Holiday Book Box ( a book & a few items related to an oddball holiday )

  7. Unboxing the Bizzare: Chic Boutique Holiday Box ( women's items related to oddball holiday )

  8. Variety Fun ( name-brand American snack box )

I had to cancel and demand a refund from the last one though because those motherfucks seemed to have sent me one from Amazon ( the box was in a fucking Amazon box! Seriously! ), and the fucking thing had like at most 10% variety in it, and not only that, but they tasted stale and WAY past the fucking expiration date. So yeah, those are my subscription boxes. I'm actually considering starting an unboxing video series on my YouTube channel. Just because everyone else does it and my camera is of good quality. I can always use the lighting from my ceiling fan. I already went and organized my videos into separate playlists so that I can attract more subscribers and look like I know what I'm doing. What I really need to do is make an intro video or a short little intro like other people do when they welcome people to their channel. I wish I knew someone who could make me one. Maybe Kat knows someone. She has those types of connections. Speaking of Kat, I'm probably going to adopt another one of her spirit dolls. This 11-year-old girl named Ruth. Apparently, she's like a positive energy, big sister spirit that was supposedly close with Grant. . .my spirit/soulmate husband. She's also nice enough to let me use the special discount code she only gives out to friends and family for 30% off so WOO HOO! I saw this other item on her shop that's adorable. This little crochet bear. I have to have it! I already got the Box of Books crate, and while I was happy with a couple of items they sent me ( the little London pouch and the Five Years Later book, which I've been wanting to get for a long time now. ), I was disappointed by that one too. I asked for two books and they sent me one that I wouldn't even consider reading about a bunch of orphan kids on a boat ride. Like WTF? Huckleberry Finn anyone? No thanks. And the other goodies weren't really that great. Just like a bookmark with a design I didn't care for, a peppermint hair chocolate bar ( but it WAS tasty! ), a little book safe with a black cat on the front that says "The Great Catsby" ( kinda cute but I have no use for it ), and a pen and small notepad with their company logo on it ( again, not really have much use for those ). But I'll give them one more chance to impress me. She left a card with a little note that said I can look forward to one of my requests next box. Well. . .I thought that's what you were SUPPOSED TO be including. Stuff that I request. I just felt like the whole thing was rushed. I mean, I sent the woman specific details and A LOT of them, and she had my box together in less than 48 hours. I thought she'd take a week and that would be fine with me, but I understand she probably has a lot of orders to go through. I do appreciate the effort and what I got, not counting the 2nd book! Don't get me wrong, I do. I even made my first unboxing video when I opened it, but I'm debating whether or not to actually record anymore or post it. I'm ugly and fat AF!

Anyway, yeah, so moving on. . .I had to go back to work yesterday. Bleh!! See, on Saturday, I went into the store to specifically let them know that I was going to be ready to return to work SINCE THOSE MOTHERFUCKS NEVER PICK UP THEIR PHONE. I also went to do some grocery shopping while I was there. When we first arrived, me and the guys walked all the way to the backroom as usual and I went back there and found Alex. I'm surprised no one really says anything to you when you walk back there dressed in regular clothes like they should get better security ( especially after all the violence that's gone on at their stores ), but I'd probably be annoyed if someone stopped me and asked me to show them my credentials or something. Anyway, Alex was doing more orientations when I found him and I told him that I was ready to come back to work starting the next day and he asked me if I called Sedgwick and let them know. I told him that I did, and asked if he was going to put me back on the schedule, and he said that he was just waiting to see if I'd come back, making sure that I didn't end up extending my leave of absence. So I guess he was planning on calling me but he was waiting for that. Either way, he told me to come in the next day from 3pm to 8pm and talk to Q or whoever about putting me back on the schedule. The coaching/cashier coach person, the one I've had to talk to before. After I had a time to come in the next day, we left the back room and I went to find my mom, who had just come in and was getting a basket. I went to get a basket too and we went grocery shopping ( and YES, I have my EBT card now. Better late than never, right? ). I went off with the other guys while my mom got her own basket and went off on her own. I hate when she disappears and I can't find her. . .and of course, by the time I was done, all the lines were long as per usual. I hate when I'm a customer and I have to deal with that shit, but it's good when I'm cashiering and more people keep coming enough to keep me busy ( even if I do feel pressured to be faster too ). It took a little while, but even after my mom already went to wait in the car, we got through and I talked to this other cashier who I sort of remember talking to before and I told her about how I had COVID and how I would be coming back the next day. After we left, we went to ALDI a little down the way and I got my Aloha teriyaki jerky that I love so much and other stuff like my orange juice ( they have THE BEST orange juice! ) and mussels and prosciutto. I swear, my mom really needs to get rid of all the shit piled up in her backseat because we never have room for shopping bags anymore. Ugh! So I was kind of bunched up in the front, but I managed and we went home.

Speaking of home, did I mention that that fucking cunt aunt of mine is still here? Fucking whore thinks she's living with us now! Uhhh, no bitch! My mom shouldn't have to deal with your shit everyday. . .literal shit. Shit and piss! I swear, I wish she would just kick this bitch out onto the street. She thinks she's just going to live here now because her husband or whoever in Florida doesn't want to take responsibility for her? Well, this bitch doesn't seem to care that my mom already has her hands full taking care of and cleaning up her husband's shit and piss. Who, by the way, came out of the hospital and was here for a day, but then had to go back in again because of how low his oxygen was. Basically, my mom was like trying to get him from the bed into the sling and chair to go to dialysis and somehow the thing got stuck between the sling and the chair and whatever. I don't know. My mom was frantic and panicking like she always is with him, and I heard the commotion so I came out and both me and my bitch aunt suggested she call 911 again ( I swear, the whole idea that my character could've seen Eddie & Buck frequently in passing but not actually getting to talk to them in a fan fic because of them coming over to her house all the time for her mother's husband is TOTALLY going to work to my advantage here! At least as a flashback months ago at the beginning of the fic. 😉 Hen would probably be with them too, or Chim. Maybe both. It's a great backstory to how they've seen one another before when they come to her rescue at the mall with Courtney. Just a little spoiler for you there ) and those fucks came again. I had to call on my cell phone since my mom couldn't get to hers or the phone. And have I mentioned that they don't even use the phrase, "911, what's your emergency?" anymore like they do on TV? No, nowadays, they say, "911, what are you reporting?" It's disappointing and anti-climactic. Like just use the age-old phrase we know and recognize ( and secretly love ). The new phrase makes them sound like a damn customer service center. 🙄Really bitch? Really? So they came and took him back to the "murder hospital," even though he always insists he doesn't want to go. Yeah, I feel you. I would never again. Anyway, my mom was talking about his oxygen level was in the 80s even with the nasal cannula on. I'm like: "Use a mask. That's what I do." At least that's what Buck & Eddie always insist I'm on when I need oxygen now. They know the cannula doesn't give me enough to keep my level up. When I'm on the mask, I stay at 100%. So yeah, Chris is back in the hospital now, and its just me, my mom, and that bitch aunt of mine. It's kinda stupid, honestly, that she keeps taking him back to that "murder hospital". . .they are the absolute worst. I mean, fuck, she'd be lucky if they do anything for him considering they sent me away without doing any fucking tests when I had an inflamed gallbladder and was in excruciating pain. I still regret not having a lawyer or finding one to sue that son of a bitch doctor. Hopefully, he got COVID and died and his whole family, or something worse happened to him. I definitely hope he got his ass fired. I wish I had filed a complaint against him or got a second opinion at the time but I remember, the pain was so bad, I couldn't think of anything else.

I digress. Anyway, I went to work the next day, Sunday, as usual. I was not excited to be back, especially since it was that cunt Crystal's birthday. . .according to the app anyway. I knew that day was going to be Hell and I was going to be rolling my fucking eyes over and over again if anyone mentioned her. Fortunately, that bitch wasn't there when I came in so that was good. That dumbass Cassandra was though. Christian, of course, said he was leaving me with Buck & Eddie again, as always. 🙄😌 Like I don't already know. We had to walk around aimlessly when we first got there, Buck, Eddie & I. I had to find Cassandra and whatnot. Apparently, I'm not allowed to just stand around and talk to my co-workers while I wait for her bitch ass to come out of the back office. Pffft! What -- the fuck -- EVER! Bitch managers will always find something to complain about. I talked back to her and told her that I was waiting for her to come out, and she had the nerve to get all defensive and say that I could've come and knocked on the door. Pfffft! Well, excuuuse me! 🙄 Anyway, she went and told me to take over for someone who was leaving so I went to that register and first had to refill the bags and shit since they were really low. After that, I got up on my stool and started work with Buck & Eddie lingering at the side of the register ( I was in that little area again where they have a place to stand since it is mostly blocked for people not to steal batteries and shit ). So work went as usual. I had to sort of adjust and get back into the swing of things again, remember my codes and all that other shit and it's pretty much like riding a bike so it wasn't that hard like at all. I got my break at the appropriate time that I should, saw and talked to my friend, Danny, showed him all my new pins I put on my vest, and took my meds around that time even though Eddie really wanted me to take them when I got there since it was already around that time that I usually take them. I just put them in my pocket and took them as I walked back to the register.

I kept getting annoyed by all the Spanish-speaking people that came through my line, and I usually do when they keep coming and I have to try and hope someone else in my line speaks the language or one of the people with them speaks English to translate. 🙄 Seriously, it's like my mom and I always say, if you LIVE here, you should fucking learn how to speak the language! Yes, Eddie insists he's still going to teach me Spanish, but who knows when that'll be. I have to actually find some way to go back to college to take that one class. You know, once things actually calm down at work. Anyway, I sort of said something I probably shouldn't have telepathically. I said: "God, I'm sick of all these Mexicans coming through my line." And then Eddie was like: "Hey! I'm Mexican too!" 🫣🫢😬😳Yes, and I am too, even though I'd rather not be and tell myself I'm white. I quickly looked over at him and felt like such a shit! I had to correct myself and tell him that that's not what I meant at all. I didn't. . . I meant SPANISH SPEAKING people. The ones that ONLY speak Spanish and nothing else. Fortunately, he forgave me and was willing to let it go. He understood that's what I meant. . .but I guess I should really think before I speak. . .even telepathically. It was what happened later that almost had me panicking, and I'm sure Eddie & Buck too.

See, I was ringing someone up, and somehow, I wasn't watching what I was doing and something like a tiny and pointy piece of ceramic was sticking out from under the conveyor belt and ended up stabbing me in the middle finger and I, of course, started bleeding a lot. It only poked me, but it poked me kinda deep so that's why it was bleeding a little more than I would've thought it would. So I quickly had to turn and ask the cashier behind me for some paper towels so I could wrap it up until I could get a band-aid and just keep going. I asked my friend Andrew if he could get me a band-aid even as Eddie rushed over to see if I was okay, insisting that I keep it wrapped up and put pressure on it. I did that until my friend Andrew returned with the band-aids and then I quickly wrapped it up. But even after I did, Eddie & Buck kept asking me if I was okay, was I sure, and insisting that I go to the bathroom and clean it with soap and water. I told them I was fine though, and since I was off in like an hour, I could do that then.

After work and my mom picking me up, we went to Vons so I could do some more grocery shopping, and then we came home. So really, nothing much has been going on since then. I forgot to mention that I didn't actually get in touch with Q or whoever ( the cashier coaching person ) that time at work. You know, to ask about putting me back on the schedule, but now I kinda regret picking up all the shifts I did instead. I mean, that's what my friend Samantha said I could do, that she did herself until she was put back on the schedule, but now I regret it because you know I hate going to work, and while I also hate staying at home and doing nothing, if I can set my own hours right now, I could just be off of work as long as I want. I mean, okay, yeah, I won't get paid for it anymore but I'm just enjoying being lazy for now. . .even though I shouldn't because yeah, those boxes I have to pay for. It's too late now. I go back to work Friday. Then Saturday. Then Sunday. I'm stupid. If I had it my way, I would work every OTHER day. Or three days off every week. Anyway. . .nothing I can do about it now. I know I'll probably get in trouble if I don't show up for the shifts I pick up. And I still don't know if I want to say anything to Q when I go back in again. The only reason I like staying home is not having to change out of my PJs, sleeping, reading, and writing. But I've been so tired lately that I haven't done those last two. Hell, I haven't written anything in months and I'm in serious withdrawal. I really need to find the energy to do it again. I'm letting my readers and myself down. I'm actually shocked they haven't said anything to me about where I've been or anything. But I need to get back into my writing. I seriously miss it and I have 3 stories I need to write. In the meantime, I need to finish editing these Buck & Eddie gifs so I can use them in my stories when I DO post them.

Great. . .this day just keeps getting worse and worse. First I get that stale box of snacks from Variety Fun, or fucking Amazon, whoever, and now the "Unboxing The Bizzare" person is telling me that my box WON'T have any squirrel items like it said on Crate Joy being the theme for the month. That was the WHOLE REASON WHY I EVEN SUBSCRIBED!! And now I'm depressed and want to kill myself. Those boxes would've made my month and brought a smile to my face to see squirrel stuff. 😭😭

I just want to curl up in my bed and wish I was dead. Looks like all my money is coming back to me now. I feel like such a stupid cunt. But they should REALLY fucking fix that on their fucking Crate Joy page so other people don't feel like they're getting ripped off!

And now I will go and be depressed. Bye!


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