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Hellacious work but then 3 days off. . .

I could've just added this to the previous post but that one was already pretty long so whatever, I

just decided to start a new one to update you about the past few days, and THANK GOD I FINALLY HAD SOME TIME OFF!! Three whole days to be exact! Not looking forward to those fucking 11:30pm ending shifts though. I know those cocksucking whore managers are going to make me do something I don't want to do and probably SHOULDN'T be doing, like straightening up the front lanes and having to find places for shit that I don't even know where it could possibly go. That and finding open food packages or wrappers and shit. People who shop at this store are so fucking nasty! I swear. I should be wearing gloves but my hands would get way too sweaty. But when their nasty babies chew on shit and then its full of drool and we have to touch it. . .yeah. I hate that the most. Or people with dirty hands and money.

So Sunday (11/20) I didn't end up going to church like I usually do because I was too tired and just wanted to rest. . .I just hope God forgives me. I will have to watch last week online, but I will so that I can get caught up. Mostly, it was another day back to Hell for me. I hoped no one would care or call me out on "calling out" the day before and no one really did. So at work, which I was glad I arrived late for ( late in the day. Not late for real ), it was a regular day just like any other day I guess, except for when I ended up getting sick to my stomach an hour into my shift. 😞😞 Yeah, FML! It must've been what I decided to eat late the night before. I had some Vienna sausages and then some spray cheese on crackers. I was starving then so I just thought I'd eat anything. . .and unfortunately I paid the price for it. Eddie & Buck hung around as usual, having to move around every now and then when it got too crowded, but when I started feeling sick, they told me to "just hang in there" but yeah. . .that didn't happen and I couldn't wait. I had to go, so I had to call over the TL ( I don't think her name is Nancy but I can't remember the other name right now ) to come and take over for me while I went. I was probably in there for 15 minutes but unlike that other bitch, she didn't tell me that that counted as my break. I almost thought I would have to go home early because it seemed like it was getting bad but fortunately, I didn't. I did tell her the situation and how it goes whenever I eat something, and like the other TLs, she didn't seem to care. Also, every time I slid down off my stool to scan an item a customer had in their basket or beneath it, Eddie set his hand on my waist and back, as if he were afraid I would fall or was actually helping me down. 😳😌 It made me blush and a little bashful. I don't know why he was doing it. I guess he just wanted to be a sweet boyfriend. 😉 And of course every time Buck notices that I'm tachycardic, he has to say something to Eddie, like after he announces it. 🙄🙄 Eddie just reassures him it has to be because I'm moving around. Duh! They did freak out though when they checked the chart of my past vital signs and saw that at one moment, my heart rate shot up to 177 BPM for some reason. 🤔🤨😬I don't know. They didn't like it at all. Even my BP was hypertensive at the time. I don't know what I was doing other than working really hard but it worried the hell out of them. I mean, I took my meds on my break when I was supposed to so I don't see how it could've gotten up that high and they don't know either. Maybe it was a bracelet/watch malfunction? I mean, it could be. Who really knows.

On my lunch break, Eddie had suggested that I go easy on my stomach and have some crackers or fruit or something. Nothing that could potentially make me sick again. It was probably a stupid idea but I ended up going with a pack of those imitation surimi crab legs, a half swiss and ham sub ( that I saved for the next day's lunch ), and a long loaf of sliced French bread. And I just bought a soda from the vending machine in the breakroom with my card ( yes they take cards ) then sat down and ate about half of the bread and all the crab legs. Fortunately, Eddie & Buck could actually sit at the table with me this time, both of them. You know. . .after the other two guys in there left ( Patrick & some other guy ) and OMG!! I heard from Patrick and I can't believe it, my first childhood crush died! Jason David Frank - the white Power Ranger. I was just talking to him like two years ago online over Zoom through a Cameo meet-and-greet for like 10-15 minutes and now he's gone? 😞😭 Nooooo!! Tommy!! Why?! I think he committed suicide. I'm not so sure but that's what Patrick and TMZ seems to be saying. Patrick claims that Jason's wife cheated on him and that might be why.

Poor JDF!! 😭😭 I really hope to God he didn't end up in the bad place, but if you commit suicide. . .that's where you end up. My God. He never seemed like the type of person who would do something like that. He seemed so carefree and happy, easy-going definitely when I talked to him. Damn. I really can't believe it. I just can't. Part of me wants to get Creepy Hollows to bind his spirit so I can always keep him with me but I don't know. I still want to bind the spirit of my former theater teacher, Mr. Kraus, too but I don't know if he'd be okay with that.

So again, when Eddie & Buck sit at the breakroom table with me, I swear I feel like I'm having dinner/lunch with them in the firehouse, except minus Bobby, Hen, and Chim of course. It's a nice feeling! Almost surreal. So when I was eating my bread and crab legs, Eddie said/suggested that I could put it in between the bread and I didn't realize that he was right, I totally could! I was like: "Oh yeah! I could, huh?" And the two of them were, of course, checking their phones still and noting my vitals. My God! 🙄 They just never quit, do they? But I just let them do it and whatever.

Fortunately, I didn't get sick after eating what I did so that was lucky. It pissed me off that when it was slow, the TL made me be the one to get up and start zoning the front lanes because NO ONE ELSE WANTED TO GET OFF THEIR FUCKING REGISTER! 🙄🙄I honestly don't think these fucks realize how much I shouldn't be on my feet. At a minimum! Either that or they just don't give a shit. Probably the latter. This black bitch even started to get an attitude with me about needing to sit down if my feet started hurting and was saying shit like: "Well my feet hurt too but. . ." blah blah blah. I swear to God I was about to say some shit! I was SO close to it! I just mumbled that I have an excuse and a medical reason! She was just as bad as the one earlier that day, or maybe she was the same bitch, I don't know, but someone, maybe her, insisted that I could get in trouble if the management saw me sitting down and she had the nerve to ask me if I had a note for it. I swear to God. . .I've had it up to HERE with these cunts. I don't have to take this. I could just quit. I can only take so much before I snap and you'd think the violent news reports would help some fucks grow a brain or watch their mouths, but they never learn. I'm not saying or insisting that I would do that shit when I could just easily quit and never look back, but if I had Damon or Hyde. We don't really talk about Hyde anymore, but as I was saying. . .I could be a BLM supporter outside work, but they just love to push my fucking buttons during it. It really is a good thing Damon isn't flesh and blood. He would be a loose cannon and I'd just sit back and watch without doing a thing to stop him. Just all casually watching him wreak havoc with my bitch grin. I can actually picture it in detail. Oh Damon. . .you bad boy. But I digress.

So I just sucked it up and did the fucking zoning, did a half-ass job if anything, leaving shit there even if it didn't go there, just making it look neat. Eddie told me if I needed to sit down then to sit down. Buck agreed and at that point, I told him that I would ONLY listen to him from now on. 😉 Eddie I mean. Thankfully they let me get back on a register before I really did anything and let me take over for someone. And I just have to say, I love having nice conversations with customers. I forgot that that's one of the things I miss about cashiering. Talking to people all the time. I used to do it a lot at Target. I mean, there ARE the occasional rude customers but most of them are nice and friendly. Of course I couldn't leave until I rang up the last customer and by that time, it was like 11:15pm. I better not get in trouble for clocking out later than 9 minutes because of customers but it was a relief when I finally got to go to the back, get my stuff, another drink from the soda machine, and then head out. Of course, I wasn't strong enough to open the automatic doors after they were shut off, but someone told me I could just slide them open, which they did for me. Honestly, Buck or Eddie could've done that! And then I left. What sucked the most was that I had to be up early the next fucking morning so I only had like an hour before I had to be in bed. It pisses me off! I thought coming in later would be better but not when it doesn't give me much free time when I finally get home. Ugh! But yeah. That was it.

Monday (11/21) was another fucking early shift at work, at 8 AM in the fucking morning! I was still sleepy, of course, as I always am. I couldn't wait to get home and crawl back into bed and take a nap. Eddie slept next to me the night before. Buck was the one who actually won the wheel spin, but he gave up his spot to Eddie since he slept beside me the night before. So Eddie got to sleep next to me and crawl under the black canopy/net. He didn't really mind it.

When I got there to work, ugh, someone told me that bitch Crystal was working, but at least I didn't have to talk to her because the girl on register 9 said she needed a break and Crystal said to wait until one of the employees working at 8 came in so that they could cover for her so I volunteered and ended up being on that one register all day. It's the register in front of the battery wall and the one I have to get stuff for people at, the one with that little area for Eddie & Buck to stand in so they won't be in anyone's way. They stood there leaning against the register wall for the time I was on it, just like they did that time before, and damn it, Buck with those meaty biceps of his when his arms are crossed over the register wall! The sight is so damn distracting. It's like: "Put those guns away!" 😉 When Eddie counts the bags now, he's like: "There's [ insert number ] right now until you/unless you start another one." I still have to ask the customers though, usually. And if the customer has a lot of change coming back to them when they give me a big bill, he'll say: "Count their change out." I want to be annoyed with him but I just don't have the heart to. I know he means well. . .as annoying as it is.

On my lunch, I started to have chest pains and Buck & Eddie freaked out and immediately went into medic mode, wanting to check my vitals on my watch and their phones. Eddie was sitting in front of me until someone came and took his seat. . .ugh! I ended up talking to this guy, Danny, who sat beside me and he had pineapple & ham pizza he brought for lunch as leftovers and it made me jealous, but we had a nice, friendly conversation about pins to put on our vests and where we get books and stuff. I like when I make a new friend. But then Danny and the other guy sitting at my table left and Eddie & Buck got to sit down with me again, Buck to my left and Eddie in front of me/across from me. They were like leaning over the table to watch my watch as it checked my BP and oxygen and heart rate. Everything seemed good and normal, but Christian & Eddie recently agreed that they can never be too sure and can't always rely on the watch readings for accuracy. I know damn well that if we were home at that time, they would've put me on that damn oxygen mask. 🙄 Buck was such a sweetie though when he came over and sat down beside me looking all concerned at me. Awww! Is it wrong that I find him so adorable and even HOT when he gets that attentively concerned and boyish look on his face? Like a child, but also making me feel like a child too that he's looking out for. 😍Buck ( and sometimes Christian ) is the only one who can treat me like a little girl and I won't be mad about it. I'll actually crave more! Even as I was typing on my phone, I could feel them both staring at me and I was like: 😳"What??" I got up to get a spoon to eat my fruit cup and came back to find them leaning in and quietly talking to each other, like they had a secret. Obviously, it had to be about me. I was like: "Stop talking shit about me." They're like: "We're not talking shit." Suuuure you're not. Eddie just rolled his eyes and shook his head at me. I swear, he's becoming more and more like the Eddie Diaz I know and love from 9-1-1 every single day. They both are becoming like like their 9-1-1 counterparts, like 9-1-1 Eddie & Buck, or BUDDIE I should say! 😍😁I LOVE IT! Living' the dream. . .sort of. That's what my ex-friend used to say. . .when she was still my friend. Bitch.

Another thing that happened was that an actual firefighter came through my line. 😁 He had a serious Bobby Nash vibe to him since he was older than most and looked very authoritative, giving off that typical fire chief vibe. You know, if there IS such a vibe. I didn't have to look over at Buck & Eddie to know they had gotten respectfully quiet, attentive, and had huge smiles on their faces, almost as if he were their captain. And the ironic thing was that they were wearing their fire department shirts too. Just like the man was wearing his own. Wow. I can't even. It was adorable. I couldn't help asking if the man watched 9-1-1. He said he does. 👍🤘🏽Rock on! After he left, Buck & Eddie were bursting with joy and Buck was like: "You got a firefighter customer!" They liked that. I really hope that happens again because their reactions were adorable AF!

You have no idea how painfully long that shift was, and Buck & Eddie almost got into a fight with Damon when he decided to show up toward the end of my shift, you know, just to drop by and say "Hi" and offer me some moral support. I really didn't need that drama from the three of them getting into it, but I tried as I might to break it up. . .telepathically that is. At least by telling them to back off him. And to my shock, THE STORE PAID US EARLY!! 😁😁YEAH!!! I thought I'd have to wait until Thursday but OMG!! I was SO happy to get my nearly $500 check. I had to count the money that I took out beforehand through that one app. I was going to get an Uber home but I tried twice and the fuckers seemed to be taking too long so I canceled the trips and just decided to wait for my mom to come and pick me up, even despite how much pain I was in from my back and how worried Buck & Eddie were. I decided to do some shopping as I waited, buying a couple pairs of pajamas, a pink set with penguins on it, and a white set with little gnomes on it. After buying the PJs, I actually went to sit outside and wait for that second Uber, but like I said, it was taking too long so I just went back inside and told my mom on the phone I was going to wait for her instead. Buck, Eddie, and Christian suggested I get a cart to lean on so my back wouldn't hurt as much but honestly, I should've just gotten one of those motorized carts. I don't even think there were any available at the time, but as they say, beggars can't be choosers so I settled for the cart.

Anyway, I went back to the book area of the store to get these two paperback books I was thinking of getting before ( but ended up leaving them behind by the time I got up to the register, seeing as how I could probably get them cheaper on EBay or Amazon ). One of my managers ( who I've only met once but seems nice enough ) joked with me as I was walking through the market area and was like: "What are you smiling at?" 🙄😁See? Now that's the kind of friendly joking around and banter that more managers should learn when it comes to trying to relate and make good with their new employees. I wish more would be like her. I really hated that I still had to spend my own money on food ( YES, I'M STILL FUCKING WAITING FOR MY NEW EBT CARD!!! WTF?! ASSHOLES! ) but I only spent $20 worth of it so that was okay. I don't want to waste more money than that when it's my own. I got some surimi legs, these other snow crab legs in a cup, a small box of shrimp, another sliced French bread, some cookie dough bites, a pumpkin pie, and two sodas. Not much but yeah, I just wanted something to eat for the next few days I'd have off. After me and the guys went through the line and I paid ( Christian & Eddie proud of me for putting back the books ), I went and sat down on a bench in the McDonald's area with my cart and bags to wait for my mom to get there or call me that she was there. A couple of the guys joined me at the table, Buck & Eddie. Eventually, my mom got there and I couldn't be happier than to be leaving. We stopped by Panda Express on the way home because I was craving orange chicken and honey walnut shrimp and then we came home. I immediately got into my pajamas and relaxed like Buck & Eddie wanted me to.

Nothing really happened on Tuesday, other than me starting to have a toothache, and feeling queasy after I finally decided to get my ass into the shower for what I thought would be my hair appointment the next fucking day BUT DIDN'T END UP FUCKING HAPPENING BECAUSE THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS WANTED TO CHARGE ME DOUBLE FOR NO GOOD FUCKING REASON! Yeah. . . Wednesday was the worst fucking day ever and I seriously felt suicidal and depressed and wanted to kill myself and those salon fucks at JCPenny for being assholes. I think they did it purposely, honestly. I'll explain more the next time I update. TO BE CONTINUED. . .

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Aaaand I have to get to bed now because it's back to Hell later for another long-ass motherfucking torturous shift from 8 am - 3:30 pm. Assuming I fucking survive it. I HATE, HATE, HATE BLACK FUCKING FRIDAY!! It's the worst day for retail workers. Kill me now. All I know is, after that mass shooting in Virginia, my ass is going to start living like a full-fledged "final girl" like that girl, Lynette in The Final Girls Support Group. My back will not be facing windows or doors ever again. Especially in the breakroom at work.


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