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TVDs Con - Day 1 ( This is nice. It's cool. )

So, in theory, I thought coming to "The Vampire Diaries/Originals" convention would be worth it. I really wish to God I hadn't even bothered wasting $500 dollars to begin with. It's not worth even half of that. $150-200 maybe but definitely not that much. Let me tell you that this will be the first and the last convention I ever come to. I honestly don't know why I even bother with these celebrity events anymore. They aren't worth shit and 95% of the time, they aren't what I expect them to be. If anything, they are no where near those expectations. In fact, they are worse. Plus, I always end up being disappointed as shit because usually, some security motherfucker never lets me get what I want. First of all, I always get my way. One way or another. And if I don't get my way, guess what bitch? Everyone suffers. Yeah, that means YOU, bitch. This time its more than the security, its the stars themselves. I know some motherfuckers out there might say that I'm ungrateful but when its your own money that you spent, you feel ten times worse knowing that you can't get it back. All you can do is chalk it up to a mistake that you'll never make again. But anyway, let's see, where do I start? First of all, I'm still pissed af about asshole Ian Somerhalder canceling on everyone, including me, especially when Damon wanted a picture so badly of just the two of us. But yeah, fuck him. I still have my own Ian, and he's my personal paramedic. Still, it disappoints me that we can't even have a picture together. But yeah, fuck him, like I said. At least my Daddy is gonna be here.

So my mom and I left Friday morning. Ugh! It pissed me off that she left an hour and a half later than we were supposed to and because of this, I didn't get to the hotel in time to sign up for the karaoke party they were going to have later that night. Fortunately from what I heard from another fan, I didn't miss much because some of those who signed up didn't even get to go up. So what-the-fuck ever. And its not like there was anyone on stage (of the cast) that I really wanted to see anyway. Just a bunch of nobodies. Chase Coleman and Micah Parker who I don't care for at all. Even though that stupid idiot Nathan Parsons canceled, I heard he was at the karaoke party. Still, I doubt it though. I think she got him confused with maybe someone else. Yeah, maybe she meant Nathaniel Buzolic. But more on him later.

So since there was only room for Christian in the backseat, Hyde and Damon decided to go into the wonderland until we stopped somewhere. We made a couple stops along the 7-8 hour drive to San Francisco so we could get something to eat. We stopped at this truck stop called "Loves" and I went to the bathroom and then I got something from the Subway there. Only a 6 inch sub because I didn't want to get sick for eating too much. Christian knows how I get. Plus, he made me get mustard on it instead of mayonnaise (being that I'm allergic to eggs), which was fine, whatever. They also had these gummy candy mixes that have like gummy bears, gummy cherries, gummy sharks, gummy drops. Oh my god, so good! I loved them. And I also got a ham and cheese sandwich from the convenience store too, which wasn't bad at all though I only ate half of it because like I said before, I didn't want to get sick and Christian didn't want me to either. We were on the road again. *sings* "On the road again, I can't wait to be on that road again..." And I got into a fight with her bitch ass because I wanted her to get here on time so that I could do my karaoke and I started crying for a while and ugh. I don't really want to talk about that part. Anyway, we made another stop later and I did have to go to the bathroom in order to feel better. I swear, I have the worst digestive system of anyone. Also, my mom had to put gas and then another two hours or so, we arrived to the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco.

I forget what time we got there but I'm assuming somewhere between 4:45 & 5:30 p.m. Anyway, I had to rush over to the registration table and check in so I could get my wrist band and badge for the weekend. Seriously, I thought the badge would be on a lanyard like the one I have at work but it wasn't. Just a cheap piece of black rope so I didn't really see how the hell I would get my buttons to stay on it and they didn't stay well at all. Except for the one with Doseph ( Daniel & Joseph ) I put near the bottom. It didn't occur to me until we were almost here that I had left my other Haylijah button at home on my damn work badge. Grrrr! But I guess it doesn't matter now because its not like anyone paid attention to them, not even the fucking stars themselves. That's part of the reason why I hate the old fucking wenches who are in charge of security at Creation Entertainment. It's all this fucking assembly line bullshit, I swear. If I knew then what I know now...well, you know, I wouldn't have even bothered. Unfortunately, I don't have a Delorean to go back in time and save all the money I spent on this. And on top of that, I'll probably be paying my mom back for it until I'm dead. Even if 90% of the event was bought with my own money. I'm talking more about the expenses for the room and gas and food and all that shit. But I digress. They also gave me a pre-signed autograph of Ian Somerhalder. *rolls eyes* Since his ass wasn't there. As if that would make up for it.

It's a nice picture of him. One of my favorites but still. . .it wouldn't make up for seeing his ass in person. So I was told that my mom could pick up her wristband when she came on Sunday to show her ticket, since she just cared to be there for "The Originals" day being that she loves Joseph and I got her into the show to begin with. *whispers* "But I know damn well she really just wanted to be there to see Joseph cause she has the hugest crush on him." So she came down to the grand foyer where the vendors and ticket sellers were all set up. In total there was about 6-7 tables set up for different things. Merchandise and jewelry, a table with Thomas Ian Nicholas ( Kevin in "American Pie" ) and his wife selling his CD and her book (some young adult fantasy book, Idk) and tables for the bands that were performing there, Samurai fish and Chase Coleman's band. I was really just into looking at what they had for Originals/Vampire diaries merchandise because God knows we've all been waiting for some real merchandise for years that doesn't come from a store online. I still hate Hot Topic for whoring out every other fucking fandom but us. Or maybe they did in the past but I was late to the party. Whatever. I've bought a Damon shirt from them before but it was only an online exclusive. There was a table for photos of the cast members in attendance and another one with a shitload of tees for sale. And also some mugs and reusable bags and hoodies. I ended up getting two shirts on the second day (I'll discuss that in the next post). $25 each. I'll post pics later. I got one with Klaus with a red background that says: "As evil as it gets" and then a grey one that says: "The Originals - Always and Forever." I wish they'd at least had one for Elijah but whatever. I'm so mad I also forgot to bring my Haylijah shirt. I couldn't find it anywhere at home when I was packing and I looked like everywhere! Ugh. That was the one I wanted to wear most.

Since I got there on time for Steve Kruger and David Alpay's autograph (Josh from "The Originals" and Professor Shane from "TVDs" season 4) in case you didn't already know, I bought their pictures ($6 each) and a couple others of my daddy. Stupid Daniel (who I hate now, but more on that later). Just cause. While my mom checked us into the hotel, I went to wait in line to get my autographs. The way they did the autographs is they have the stars each sitting at their own table with some one else from the stupid Creation Entertainment team beside them to take the tickets and mark you off that you got it. They also had people coming down the line to do that, mark off your badge and also to get your name and give you a little sticky so whoever it was could personalize your autograph. Both David and Steven Kruger ( who I'm so glad they replaced for stupid Jackson, Nathan Parsons ) were really nice guys. I told David that he had a "Dancing With The Stars" vibe in his picture and he was like: "Because of the undone tie?" I agreed but it was also that he had a white shirt in the picture to go with his undone tie and had that Tony Dovolani look going on. He wasn't even familiar with "DWTS" though. Lol. Like really? Really? But I like that he said my name. He's pretty easy on the eyes too. *winkwink* I got in Steven's line after David and he also said my name when I came up. I told him that I got my mom into watching the show but I didn't want to watch the finale and that she demanded that she get to see how it ends. He was like: "Damn right. Finish it out." Heh. He was really a great guy, super sweet.

After the autographs, I got my stuff from my mom's car and went up to our room on the 7th floor. I swear, the elevators are weird. When they open up, they say: "going down" or "going up." Lol! Hyde and Damon of course found it hilarious and I couldn't help quoting Max from "2 Broke Girls" every time I stepped on the elevator and it said: "going down." --- "You know they don't care what you look like as long as you go down." Since I wasn't going to the karaoke party and not singing, my mom and I decided to go out to get something to eat. There was this sushi place across the street called "I Love Sushi" (coincidentally) and we went to eat there. Me, my mom and Christian in one booth. Hyde & Damon just hung back. I swear, I don't know what this soup was that they gave us but I kid you not, it smelled like alcohol. It tasted good but the smell...I don't know why the hell it smelled like that. I ordered a sushi deluxe combination and mmmm was it good! Just enough sushi for me to feel full. It came with California Rolls, fresh nigiri and sashimi. It was a little pricey, being like $24 but worth the money for as much as you get in it. After dinner, we drove around a while and we found a Target so we went over there so I could get nail polish and my mom wanted to buy toilet paper since the kind in the bathroom sucked. Being that it was only one ply. And fuck, their toilet seats are hard as fuck. They hurt your thighs. I really hated the Hyatt hotel rooms. Especially the beds. Oh my GOD! They are as hard as a fucking operating table. With the hardness of the bed and my mom's loud ass snoring in the next bed, I couldn't get like any sleep at all. I kid you not, I had to literally sleep on all four pillows they provided me and put kleenex in my ears just to get any kind of sleep at all that night.

And I guess my spirits can pretty much show up anywhere. No, I didn't see any of them but I did see the same thing I always see when I'm lying in my own bed in the dark. These shadows moving around above me, as if they are trying to manifest. So I guess its not just localized to my bedroom but anywhere I'm sleeping. That's good to know that they come with me no matter where I am. It reminds me that they are in fact with me. At one time, I kid you not, I did feel something crawling up my bed. I don't know what it was or who but I know it was there on the bed. I felt it move and I told my mom: "Okay, someone is on my bed." I'm so glad that she had gotten used to me having these spirits around and she's not against the idea anymore or demanding that they get out like they are evil entities or something. I mean, occasionally, she does sigh heavily when I start talking about them but then she does that when I talk about my Tulpas too. She will never fully understand unless she's me. Also, I may or may not have seen the shadow of my wolf spirit, Jonathan, approach the side of my bed while I was lying there too but I swear I saw the shadow of a dog-like creature moving between the two beds. At least the bathroom lights are motion activated and also there's this one that turns on between the two beds so you can see where you are walking. I also like how you can see the whole layout and everyone at the hotel restaurant when you look out of the window, the fact that the lamps have outlets in them, that there's a mini fridge and the desk area.

Other than that, the room sucked ass. But onto day 2. . .

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