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TVDs Con - Day 2 ( Pastor Nate )

So, on Day 2, it turns out some other fucking actor also decided to cancel on the fans and whom do you think it was? Fucking Warner! Warner from "Legally Blonde", Alaric in "The Vampire Diaries," actor Matt Davis. That pissed me off so much because not only did they replace him with this other douche that I care nothing for named Chris Brochu, but I wouldn't even get a chance to go up to Matt and be like Elle Woods and start singing the musical songs like: "Oh Warner! Sorry I've been a pest but I guess my best was not working with you..." and so on. Turns out Matt's sorry ass was too busy filming for that fat ass cunt's new show, Legacies, so instead he sent a video message apologizing. Ugh! WHAT. THE FUCK. EVER. I hate him for that. But I guess its a thing Warner would do and he was Warner so. . .there went my chance to meet him and sing Legally Blonde songs to him. I hear that once the shows are over, the fucking cast doesn't even care anymore about attending these events. They can pretty much do whatever the fuck they want because I guess they're not getting paid for it or some shit. Ugh, just UGH with a side of UGH!

So this other douche, Chris, played this dumb ass secondary character named Luke in like season 5 or 6 of "The Vampire Diaries." Don't care. Of course I didn't know all this until I woke up early to go down there for Nate Buzolic's Q & A. I was going to go to the Paul Wesley one but I would have had to wake up even earlier and yeah, I honestly don't care for him either and if Ian isn't with him, what's the point? It was probably a lot of stupid questions about Steroline and all that bullshit. So I waited for Nate's. I hate that I had to be seated by some fatter girl to my right who didn't give me much room and then this annoying girl and her mom on the left, who I tried to make friends with but she was 17 and couldn't stop talking about herself and her stories even when I tried to turn the conversation back to me several times. Whatever. So around 11:45, the MC's Micah Parker ( still don't remember who the hell he is ) and Chase Coleman ( Oliver from "The Originals" ) came out and Chase and his stupid band started to do a rendition of "All The Small Things." He fucking swears he was Tom from Blink. Whatever. Lol. It was kinda gay, but yeah then they went over the rules and shit of the convention. *eyeroll* Insisting "no kissy face or asking them to kiss your face." Fucking assholes. I've got something they can kiss. My big fat ass. I could if I like! Ha! So blah, blah, blah.

And then finally, they introduced Nate Buzolic and he came out and it was just him doing a Q & A. I decided to wear my wolf ears and my tail. I got compliments on them from a couple people, but the dumb asses thought they were cat ears. Uhhh no, bitch. Wolf. There are wolves in the show, you know? Remember? David Alpay also told me he liked them the first day and another woman was stupid enough to say she was going to call me a cat because of them. But I digress. I wish I could remember most of the questions they asked Nate but I can't. Someone was stupid enough to ask him what Disney princess he would be. Like really? Say Prince at least. He said he would be Sleeping Beauty since he had to wake up at 5 am that morning. Lol. Someone also asked him if he had any inside jokes with the cast and if so, could he explain them. He said that Daniel likes to always send him pictures of what he's eating. Lol!! Oh my God. Like he'll get it and flatly be like: "Oh...that's nice." HA! I love it! And they also asked him about pranks he pulls on the set of the show. He says he needs to start doing more pranks at these events instead, but he did explain one prank he pulled on Joseph where he put a pie in his face when he was in make-up. HAHA!

Plus, I had no idea he was so religious or passionate about his faith until the questions for him started to touch on that part of him. They asked him what his favorite passage is in the Bible and he said: "You are of this world" and all of a sudden, he started getting into this big long lecture and sermon about self-love and relationships and how those who are depressed and in a dark place in their life cannot love themselves if they haven't been programmed that way. It's impossible to do so. I myself am not a religious person but everything he said, as long as it was, really touched me and I could follow and agree with it because I know what its like when someone says: "You have to love yourself first before you can love someone else" and he agrees that you can't do that because you're so depressed and you're in a dark place. I thought, finally, someone who understands where we are coming from. I was just sitting there nodding my head at everything he was saying. About how when you're in a relationship, there's a stronger person and there's a weaker person and the stronger person has to sacrifice part of themselves to be able to give what's needed to the weaker person and lift them up. Exactly!!! I'm not a church goer but I could definitely listen to Nate go on about things like this all day. He literally took up like the last 15 minutes of his Q & A talking about this. Even when other people had questions to ask. I was like: "Wow, are we in church now?" He would be an amazing teacher of religious studies. I would surely attend his classes. But like I said before, I had no idea he was such a devoted Christian until this moment. It makes me love him even more that he is so open to helping others and guiding them and just compassionate about God's teachings. When my mom heard about that, she said that he and Chris (her dumbass husband) would have a lot to talk about together and a good conversation because he's so passionate about his faith too. Too bad he doesn't live up to it with the way he treats me. I distinctly saw Nate carrying a book or something when he came out and it looked about the size of a Bible so I'm wondering if it was now. He says that he reads and refers to it every day and he always seems to find something new and interesting to take from it. Again, my heart warms just thinking about his commitment to that. I bet he was in a prayer group once. Either in school or somewhere else.

After the Q & A, I didn't have anything else to do until 3pm when they were doing Nathaniel's photo ops so that was when I decided to buy my two shirts and the pictures I wanted then head back up to my room to drop the stuff off, put some make-up on and chill out for a while. It seems like it came time for that photo op faster than I expected it to and before I knew it, I was heading back downstairs for it. I really didn't know what to expect other than it literally being like 2 seconds and then that was it. I was right. They made us all get in a single file line and they allowed those of us with PDF tickets to go first before those with hard tickets. I didn't mention this before but I really am pissed about that ticket thing. From what I've seen from other fans at the conventions, they usually get like a collectible ticket with the stars picture on them for either the photo or the autograph but no. Not here apparently. It's either a hard paper ticket, no picture on it or your printed out PDF ticket with the bar code. That's such fucking bullshit. It made me all excited before thinking I was going to have collectible tickets the size of index cards. What were those conventions again? I would rather deal with them then these Creation Entertainment fucking assholes. Maybe they wouldn't make the cast members seem or come off as rude in their photo ops. Nate wasn't rude though. Not by any means, devoted Christian and all but THE LITERAL ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM was the fact that they had some fucking music blasting through the whole thing so even when you got up to the front of the line to get your picture and you were standing right in front of the person, you couldn't even talk to them. I'd like to slit the throat of whoever had the nerve to do that. Probably the photographer. Nor could you stand near the door and watch others get their pics taken because there was a fucking black curtain hiding them. Over all, it was basically just an assembly line. Pose, picture, next. Pose, picture, next. That's another reason why I don't want to go back to these CEC (Creation Entertainment Conventions). No respect whatsoever. Gold digging assholes. No common courteousy for the stars or their fans. I wouldn't be surprised if that's why some of them cancel. But yeah, I got my picture, not realizing one of my wolf ears was bent back. I had to do mine twice because the photographer said I blinked. If you ask, the second one was better. I agree with my mom, they should let everyone have two takes of their photo. Just in case they don't like their first or one is better than the other. But yeah, I really wish I had looked as good as I did in the Nate one in my Daniel ones. Shallow discriminating dick that he was. I'll explain later.

After the photo op, I went back up to my room and instead of me going to the Q & A with Michael Melarkey and the other one that came after with Paul Wesley, my mom and I went to IHOP to get something to eat. We got back just in time so I could get my autographs for Paul & Michael.

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