Ooookay, so here's what's going on. Damon was in my room earlier and he was teasing me by trying to get Buck & Eddie to examine me, insisting that I looked like I needed to be examined, and they were denying it while I

was sitting here in front of my computer just blushing, because we all knew that Damon was just saying that to get his rocks off ( like he always tries to do as far as medical things go ) and they were being really sweet about defending me and my well-being to him, insisting that I was fine and didn't need to be examined, and saying that if I wasn't, I could always ask them for an exam or tell them myself if something is wrong. Now that Damon isn't here. . . ( who really knows where he runs off to when I'm not paying attention, maybe his Salvatore replica house in the wonderland, which is quickly becoming his favorite place to hang out. . .pfft. Go figure. ), Buck actually thinks, from his "own personal observation," that I look sick. I caught him staring at me and he was like:

"Look, I don't want to give you away or anything, and I'm not saying there's any truth to what Damon said, but you do look like you're getting sick."

And then Eddie got this worried tone in his voice and he's like: "What? Amy, look at me." And he gives me that sexy and intensely observant stare.

So I turn to look at him and even he says, "You're right. She does look like she's getting sick, especially around the eyes, but it could just as easily be fatigue."
He even went as far as to lean over and press the back of his hand to my forehead. Gah! And then like an idiot, I tell them that if they're really worried about me, they can give me a quick check-up. I don't know where the hell that came from. The words just came tumbling out of my mouth before I could stop them. I did promise Eddie last night that I was going to try and be more of a good patient and let them do what they need to do instead of being stubborn all the time. Buck suggested they could get a set of vitals and Eddie agrees with that too. I mentioned listening to my heart and lungs too, and Eddie said they could do that too, whatever I'll allow them to check, even give me a quick once over. And now I'm like FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. . .what did I do? 😳😳😱😱😍 I mean, I didn't say "yes" or "no." At least not yet. I told them I would think about it. Eddie is really making me want to give in, especially when he says, "it would definitely give both of us some peace of mind." I mean, how bad can it be? It'll only take a few minutes but damn it. They make me so nervous. Buck is sleeping next to me tonight, BTW. Eddie did last night.
Shit, last night, they had me on the oxygen mask off and on. I had a headache and Eddie suspected that since the pulse ox machine was really low on battery, that it wasn't giving an accurate reading since it was staying at like 96% & 97% while I was lying down. So he turned on the heart monitor and used the pulse ox probe from there, clipping it on my finger, and sure enough. . .my oxygen was 91%. So naturally, he hurried and put me on the oxygen mask for a while as he and Buck watched my monitor, giving me breaks in-between like he always does when I feel like I've had enough and I want to breathe regular air again for a while and you know, assuming my oxygen level stays above 94%. Eddie is so anal now about wanting to have me on oxygen and/or a pulse ox when I'm lying down on my bed, like more than ever before. He wants my brain to be properly oxygenated as often as it can be. He and Buck have offered to switch the mask out for a nasal cannula if I hate wearing it that much, but they still don't think that will be enough to keep my levels up since it didn't work so well in the past. I think they just need to do another experiment with that again. Honestly. . .and don't tell them this, but as I've said in the past, I really don't mind wearing the mask. . .in fact, I actually enjoy it because it feeds my fetish and makes me feel so subdued in a sexual way that turns me on. I just act like I hate it because I really don't want them to see me like that and I feel like a freak when they do. It's better to act like I hate it instead of telling them the truth. I don't know if they can see through me, but I don't want to ask. I mean, fuck, how can I not feel like a submissive little kitten who wants to bend to their will and let them take care of me in any way they want when someone like Eddie immediately places that mask back on my face when my levels get too low and says stuff like: "Time for this to go back on" or "Let's get this back on." ? Or when he slips it on over my head and tells me to, "just breathe. Long deep breaths. There we go" being all comforting and coaching me and taking my hand and caressing my hair.
FUCK. . .I can't even! Those girls on Tumblr are so fucking right.
And now. . .sweet Lord. I guess I'm going to let them do their quick exam and then go to bed. God. . .wish me luck. I don't even know how I'm going to survive tonight's episode of 9-1-1. Medic Eddie is back and I'm straight up going to cream my panties!