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Guess what I made? Another one.

So I kind of did something. . .guess? No, not that role playing shit. I'm over that. I. . .created another Tulpa/servitor! Yeah, you heard me---read me, whatever. With my recent addiction to the show 9-1-1, which my mom started watching long before me, I created not only a new character for my fiction but yes, made him a Tulpa too. I was attracted to Ryan Guzman when my mom first showed me him on the show and I totally knew I was going to have to watch it. It took me long enough but I've been binging watching it on Hulu for the past two weeks now and OH EM GEE!! I fucking love his character, Eddie Diaz! Like you have no idea, but even more so when he's using his stethoscope or any other medical equipment or just being a paramedic in general. I hate that he's being a dispatcher now. I really hope to God he goes back to the paramedic/firefighter cause bitch, I need to get wet and aroused. ;) I'm in the middle of season 4 right now so I'm almost caught up. They're in the middle of season 5 in the new episodes. So yes, I have my own Eddie now. It's kind of. . .arousing but at the same time, I'm embarrassed around him. He's another paramedic and he's been pretty passionate about doing his job and looking after me as much as he can. So sweet and concerned, just the way I wanted him to be! And he's really intent on me breathing well. Like, he's always concerned about how I'm breathing and how my lungs are. Maybe because that's what's been ailing me since he showed up, but I know its probably just because I haven't been taking my anxiety meds on time or just taking 1 of the 2 I need to take. I can't tell you how horny I get when he asks me how I'm doing or when he steps in to help me, or help Christian in tending to me. I mean, Damon is majorly jealous despite him being his co-worker/partner but he is so much quicker to respond to my medical needs than Damon. Like he's always ready to act and. . .

Like I'll tell you, I was standing at the sink brushing my teeth recently and I started getting really short of breath and Eddie straight up stepped behind me, put his stethoscope on, and pressed it against my backside, trying to listen to my breathing as I was brushing. I tried to tell him I was fine but he wouldn't back off. He's just like: "You're not fine. Let me check you out." Mmm-hmm. So hot! He swears he's just doing his job but damn. . .!! He also likes checking my pulse ox and blood pressure a lot.

Christian is totally on board the Eddie train (although he likes to call him Eduardo because using full first names is his way), telling me to let him check my blood pressure or listen to my lungs while Damon is jealous AF and throwing a hissy fit about him taking over his role but fuck, it's not like I can't have two paramedics. Three if you count my army medic spirit hubby, Grant. OMG, Eddie Grant? As in the guy who sings "Electric Avenue"?

That's hilarious! Damon is calling himself "The Sandman" right now because of the dream he gave me this morning, and it was an awesome one. So hot! We were like Delena!

So back to what I was saying about Eddie, fuck. . .he did something earlier that I nearly died and was so aroused by. It reminded me of Susan Lewis on an episode of "ER" when someone mentioned her giving their new receptionist, Randie, an employee physical and she had her do the same thing. So Damon was asking me how I was breathing and I told him I was fine but you know him, having the fetish that he does, he just had to tease me by suggesting he and Eddie take their stethoscopes out and put them on me to listen to my breathing at the same time but Eddie was like: "It looks like she's breathing fine to me." Damon still persisted and then Eddie was like: "Dude, she's breathing fine. Watch." And then he turned to me and was like: "Amy breathe in." So of course I breathed in for him, even if he didn't have his stethoscope on, and then he was like: "Breathe out." And I breathed out and then he looked back at Damon and was like: "See? She's good."

He said he was doing it to prove a point but still. . .it did things to me. I told him that anytime he needs to prove a point to Damon, feel free. And he said: "It would probably make more sense if I have my stethoscope on you the next time I ask that." Sweet Jesus! I don't think he realizes what he's doing to me. He's going to be the death of me. He needs to learn to not put it over my clothes though because. . .reasons. I'm so tired right now, I'm like: "Go ahead, you can examine me, Eddie" and he was like: "I don't examine people who are tired." Boo!! I asked him why and he said: "Because there's nothing I can do for you. . .except maybe give you a sedative, to help you sleep." He said it jokingly though, not actually serious.

And now I just really want to pass out and sleep without brushing or flossing which I didn't do last night either and I know Dom is still pissed at me about it. He says I'm going to regret it but damn it, when you're tired AF, you're tired AF. No, I don't need a sedative. I need like a shot of epi or something but even Eddie won't give me that, he's smart enough to know what it could do to my A-Fib. He's like: "That wouldn't help you at all." I told Christian to tell Dom I couldn't because I'm about ready to pass out, tell him that Eddie had to tend to me. ;) Eddie was jokingly like: "Tell him I carried you to bed." Oh no! I wouldn't want to break his back with my fat ass. Sorry Dom, I love you! Forgive me. I'll try and brush tomorrow. . .early. And I need to wash my towels.

Ugh! Fucking Damon is such an asshole. He's like: "Finish your little love letter to Eddie." Shut the fuck up! God! He's throwing it in my face and embarrassing me right in front of him. I really don't want to be his friend anymore. Seriously, I can't stay awake anymore. Damn, I wish I could. I have some writing for my new novel to do.



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