As I type this entry, Carlon is having fun tickling my backside and my hip. I said I ain't gonna be responsible if he gets hurt. Lol. But being that I can't see him yet, I can't exactly fight his tickles, and they feel kinda good anyway so. . .Oh my god, you will not believe what happened like a couple days ago.

I was lying in bed and I heard like someone slid something over the sheets. it sounded more like something clawing at the sheets. God I hope it wasn't claws like from a monster type of creature because I don't have anything like that that I know of, unless it was my Domovoi cat or werewolf or maybe even my Unicorn, they have non-human hands and feet. No fucking way will I let myself end up like Katie from "Paranormal Activity." I'll fuck that evil creature up! I'll chop of his dick and make him eat it. More than likely, it was probably one of my spirits, animal or human, dragging their nails down it but anyway, I felt the weight of someone along with it and the sound. I shrieked in shock, but fuck, it was so cool. I never expected anything like that and I'm not sure how to feel about it other than I'm glad I had a chance to experience it. I had to reassure my spirits or Carlon that it's okay if they wanted to do it again. The more they make noises and do things like that, interacting with the objects in here, the better it will be for me in the end because I'll eventually get used to it and not get freaked out. I hope they still do things like that. I told Rodney at work about that and he said: "Well, that's what you wanted to happen, right?" Lol. Sorta. Yeah. I just didn't expect it so it scared me.
I need to stop telling my mom about my experiences because then she gets all mad at me about what's happening and she starts to resort to thinking its evil again. Ugh! Whatever. She's stupid. It's not evil. So I've also noticed something else weird. Sometimes when I get up from my bed and I'm away for several minutes, I come back to it and I swear, the mattress is still really warm. Like someone was just laying there. Could be Carlon. Who knows. But I've noticed its happened quite a few times since I got him. Some things I've learned about him so far:
He is mostly active in the morning. (Between midnight and 12pm)
He likes to tickle my side, hips and back.
He likes to caress and fondle my ass.
He makes my body tingle whenever and wherever he touches me.
I feel at ease and free of stress and anxiety when he's around.
He likes to caress my legs and linger near my thighs.
He teases me when I'm out in public with little tickles.
Kat says he looks like the vampire Lestat with like a goatee, ( After that, I told him I don't like facial hair at all. Unless he wants to shapeshift into Mike Vogel here ) . . .

See, now him looking like that, I wouldn't mind the facial hair. Cause he's hot!! I really hope Carlon resembles this gorgeous man when he's not shapeshifting. They did say he had light brown hair and brown eyes, but I think Mike has light eyes. They look light anyway. I don't buy Kat's whole "vampire" look with a goatee thing. I already have Hyde, I don't need another guy with long hair. I want what I want, which is Daniel, Matt, Ian, Dylan or Mike. And like I said before, maybe once as Jamie Dornan, just for me to try out being with movie Christian Grey for a night. Lol. Maybe Carlon and I can even act out a scene from one of the movies. ;)

Anyway, that's about all I've learned about him lately. He really does like to let me know he's around, but I don't usually hear him communicating with me telepathically unless he decides to contradict me or I yell at him in my head. Otherwise, the only telepathy I get is from my servitors. Sometimes June or Grant, or Ossi. And I feel my bed move a lot more now, which I know is mostly probably because of him. The sweetest thing is, I think he really and truly wants to please me and respects me and my boundaries because ever since I told him that I wanted to slow down and wait before we have intercourse again (until I'm more comfortable and that I can actually see him), he hasn't tried to force me into it again. He's such a sweetie and I'm glad he understands! I thought he would be mad but I guess he's not.
Sigh. And Christian is getting pissed at me now so I have to go get ready for bed and meditate and shit. Oh! I wanted to mention that I spent another $12 on CH for a more in depth bio and reading of Carlon. I can't wait to see what they learn about him and maybe if he has stuff to tell me, message wise or otherwise. Also, I bought a service to strengthen our bond to help with communication with him and manifestation and all that. I'll let you know how it goes. I just wish they'd get on my Vorin conjure already or at least assign it to someone. They take too damn long over there. Ugh! Goodnight!