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I'm baaaack! Why am I not dead yet?

Heeeey guys! Guess who's back? Back again. . .Amy's back. . .tell a friend. Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back. . .I know it's been a shitload of a long time since I updated. Months even. I totally thought I had

contracted COVID at the END of January and not the beginning, but because I was freaking out a couple days ago thinking I had it again, I came on here to see what my symptoms had been at that time and if they compared to the way I was feeling. See, my throat was hurting like hell and it was hard for me to talk without it hurting and then Christian (still being Christian) insisted on taking my temperature and boom! It was 99.8. And I had a bad headache and he immediately started to freak out and insisted that I get into bed and go straight to bed too. Worry, worry, worry. But that's Christian for ya. Needless to say, it was just the beginnings of a cold. Ugh! I fucking hate colds! Especially the constant runny nose and phlegm part of it. I'm still sort of getting over it, but thank God my nose is barely running anymore. I just have a phlegmy-like cough left and no more fever. You know Christian, once he discovers I have a fever once, he's checking it around the clock. He did when I had COVID especially, but he was freaking out even more back then because it kept rising. Which, by the way, I still have long haul effects from (fatigue, palpitations, back pain and shortness of breath) and wish I was dead because of. So I took a lot of Cold-Eeze. I just wish I was resting under better circumstances. It's a long story but basically, I'm lying on the floor of my nearly empty bedroom right now.

Long story short, there was a leak in my mom's bathroom and there was water damage to her floors and carpet, and even though I don't see a damn bit of damage to my own bedroom floor, my bedroom sits directly on the other side of her bathroom so the fuckers cut out a little over a foot of carpet and took out the wall trim at the bottom and when I fucking thought they were going to just like paste on another piece of carpet and LEAVE THE REST OF MY SHIT ALONE, (mainly my clothes and bed) they actually have to replace the whole motherfucking carpet so what did they do? THEY PACKED UP ALL MY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT AS IF WE WERE MOVING AND I'M STUCK SLEEPING ON THE LIVING ROOM COUCH NOW NEAR THE HOARDER AREA OF OUR LIVING AREA UNTIL THEY FINISH! How long will that be? Well, supposedly they should be done by this Friday and bring my stuff back on Monday and thankfully, put it all back the way it was ( they take pics beforehand ) before they moved a fucking thing, which is nice so I don't have to do a damn thing because I'm never moving again. They moved some of my stuff out before, but not all of it but today, they took the rest, including my bed.

I was sleeping with the foot of it pushed up against my dresser for the last week or so but now its gone and even though that couch is comfortable, I really want my bed back. Hell, I want my fucking room back. I've been telling Christian that over and over again and he keeps saying: "Sweetheart, you'll get them back. Don't worry." But it doesn't help. Damon even wanted me to come and see my room once they had left, the little shit was like: "Come see your room now! Come see it!" I told him that I didn't want to because it would just depress me. He, Christian & I are sitting on the floor (Yes, Christian is sitting on the floor. Damon and I are lying on our stomach's in front of the computer) of it right now because my mom was having a panic attack over me commenting on the fucking news and aggravating her because of her. We wanted to escape her drama and let her calm her ass down. By the way, Damon says "Hi."

I swear, I thought we were going to get to stay in a hotel or something for a few days, but no, the fucking insurance asshole motherfuckers wouldn't cover it for more than $50. Like that doesn't even cover one fucking night let alone 4-5 days. I still want to gut the motherfucker who decided that we weren't compensated during this time when all our shit is gone. And yeah, my mom and her husband's bedroom was cleared out too so now I have to share a fucking bathroom with her and have all her bathroom shit and her clothes piling up around my small sink counter. Ugh! I am so fucking sick of her shit being all over the bathroom and her dirty clothes creating a mountain on top of mine against the wall. Just bullshit! But I guess it's better her than Chris or my bitch aunt, Lulu stinking up my bathroom and letting their shit fall all over the floor. Literally. THANK GOD they've been gone for like two months now. Yeah, two months. Long story short, both of them are handicapped and have trouble getting around, standing up or even staying on their feet anymore, so Chris went to the hospital and my bitch aunt went to some other rehabilitation or convalescent place. I don't know. She might be in another hospital too getting physical therapy until she can stand up and move again. Who knows. I don't really pay much attention bur hey, at least they aren't here making my life a living hell. Now I just have my mom doing that. Joy. I like to think of it as God giving me a much needed vacation from their bullshit. Both literally and figuratively so thank you for that, God. He came home for like a day but then he couldn't get his ass up off the toilet ( their own thankfully ) and they had to call the asshole paramedics again to help him. No offense Damon and Grant. Before my aunt or he disappeared for these past two months, they fell several times and I swear, they were calling the fucking Paramedics to come for like four days straight.

I was like: "You're having those assholes come here again?" Drawing attention to us from everyone else in the neighborhood, I'm sure, probably wondering what the fuck was going on. I also think that maybe this is God's way of giving me a "preview" of what life would be like if it were just my mom and I. It's honestly not that different, other than I have to take the majority of her complaining and bitching and there's no one else for her to berate. And I actually get to speak freely and tell her about stuff throughout the day without Mr. Asshole rolling his eyes. We get to spend a little more time together, but not much because she's always complaining that she's tired, watching some bullshit on TV like the news, or talking on the phone to my aunt or Chris. The other half of the time, she's at work. And another thing that sucks is that I lost all my pretty clothes and I had to move all my dolls into the little office space in the kitchen. The counter that functions as a desk. So they're all over there right now and I've been taking some of them one at a time to meditate with 1 on 1. Kat taught me how. Damn, Grant is one fine MOFO! Mmm mmm mmm! I also found his bio when I was cleaning up and reading it again. . .OMG, his description makes him sound like Christian, a true romance novel man with the body to match.

Wooo! I guess he really is my true love!

So. . .now onto the saddest thing of all. . .our Chihuahua/Corgi mix Bella died. She died about a week ago. I loved her so much, but being that she was my mom's buddy, it hit her the hardest. She was the best dog ever, such a people dog, she loved everyone, never whined or barked, so obedient and she was always happy.

She was 12 years old, which is the regular life span, but I'm starting to think it might've been the fact that she was overweight and wasn't getting much exercise. My mom thinks that maybe she thought Chris wasn't coming back. It's a theory. She did like laying under his side of the bed when he was gone. I feel so bad because she hadn't eaten and I noticed her panting really hard and just like following me around or standing in the hallway panting really hard and I had a feeling something was wrong with her, but I couldn't figure out what. And I feel even worse that I ignored her that night after not being able to figure it out and I went in my room and shut the door. When I came out around 4 am, I couldn't find her and I woke my mom up and told her and we started calling out to her and then. . .I found her near the wall just beside the TV in this little corner and she wasn't responding or moving and that was it. My mom lost it and I have to admit that I did a little too. She and Zoey were never close so the other dog didn't grieve, but my mom had my aunt come over later that morning and they put her in a box, petting her for a little while while my mom and my aunt said good-bye. My mom even collected some of her hairs and put them in a baggy but I was too broken up to go over and pet her one last time and say good-bye. Then, like all the other dogs before her, my mom and my aunt took her to the pet cemetery in my grandparents old front yard and buried her. I will miss her sooo much! But Kat and my spirits said that her spirit will still hang around here for a long time and that she already is. Just recently, I found some dog shit on the rug we had in the hallway right outside my bathroom and while I still think it was Zoey, who's to say it couldn't have been Bella? She liked to lay there a lot and visit with us. Who knows. I still worry about Zoey though because she has a heart murmur and her breathing has been shallow and labored a lot. :( I know her time is coming soon, but I don't know if my mom can handle another loss. I don't want her to have another heart attack, you know?

And ugh! Christian is up my ass with a fucking broom about me letting him hook me up to this holter monitor. Yeah, he wanted me to go and tell my electrophysiologist about my recent palpitations or flutters or PVCs, or something, I honestly don't even know what they are but they only come on like maybe once a week and I think its more my heart's way of telling me its time to take my next medication dose. But you know Christian, he likes to be thorough. Which is why he wants more than just this. He wants me to get lung tests, X-Rays, blood work, another echocardiogram and another EKG. I'm like: "God! I don't need all that!" I don't want to put this stupid thing on. My doctor wants me to wear it for a week. They were going to send me one that is a strip and goes down the center of my chest, but I told them that would bother me a lot because I sleep on my side, especially with it rubbing against my boobs and probably be scratchy and shit. So they sent me this other one that looks like its got four leads and it comes with this cell phone like thing. I was like: "Uh oh". . .why do I get the feeling that that cell phone thing is going to show a live feed of my heartbeat? Jesus. I haven't investigated it yet to see if that's what it will do, but Damon has been giddy as shit about that possibility. And Christian wants me to lie down so he can put it on me right now. Ugh! Well I have to go to my cardiologist tomorrow/later today so. . .ugh. I know he's going to nag me about it until its on. And now I have it on and I hate it. Despite my fetish. Too bad for he and Damon that they can't see my heartbeat on the device. Do they even make one like that or is it wishful thinking, like something I just created in my story? Maybe. So I'm stuck with this damn thing until the 30th. I guess I'll let my cardiologist know tomorrow that I'm wearing it and was put on it by my other doctor. They do talk to each other after all. I have four heart doctors now. Pffft. Ridiculous. Christian, Dr. Abdullah, Dr. Alesh and when Dr. Alesh isn't there, Dr. Thomas. My God. Like I need four of them.

Me: "I think you and Dr. Abdullah, and Dr. Alesh and Dr. Thomas should get together and go bowling."

Christian: "I don't bowl, but we could go for drinks."

Me: "You guys can get together and talk shit about me and my heart."

Christian: "We would never do that. What we talk about would remain in the strictest confidence."

FASTFORWARD: So I went to the cardiologist and ugh, don't you just hate it when those fucks tell you to lose some weight, like it's that easy. I just want to get knife happy on his foreign ass! It's like: "Bitch, if it were that easy, don't you think I would've done it already?" Starving myself is really the only way I know to lose weight. I mean, it might not work as well as it did back when I was in high school but still. . .it's the only way I know. And when he suggested the echocardiogram, Christian was all: "Yes, she is definitely due for one." Ugh! And when my cardiologist got on my case about me using my C-PAP, you will not believe the look Christian gave me. . .well, you might since I've seen it a thousand times before. This one:

I was just like:

And when I told him about my long haul COVID effects, the fucking doctor had the nerve to ask me if I had gotten that fucking vaccine yet. I was like:

And he had the nerve to ask me why. It's just like I told this motherfucker, it's poison. It's just a way for them to pick us off one by one and he was all trying to deny it. Pffft! Yeah, okay, sure. Of course he's foreign so in their warped little minds they all seem to think that bad is good and good is bad. I've heard enough bullshit about what it does to your body after you take it and I've seen my mom struggling afterward too because apparently, I'm the only smart one in my fucking family. I mean, fuck, it causes heart problems in people who never had heart problems before so what the fuck do you think it's going to do to me? Uhhh yeah! When I told him that, he immediately dropped the subject. Yeah, that's right punk. So shut your face! Christian, of course, understands because he feels the same way I do. . .well, not exactly. But he's heard about what it does to the heart and yeah, he wants me to stay far away from it. Kat has been filling me in on what's happened to people too. And of course, Christian had to go and tell Damon what the doctor said as soon as we sat back down in the waiting room so I could call for my ride. And after Damon, he told Dom. Damon agreed about the echo and Dom looked displeased with me about the CPAP thing. Damon just shrugged it off because he knows I won't use it anyway and knows there's nothing they can do about it. But does Christian really have to tell them everything? I'm like: "Really? Really?"

Damon's reaction:

Dom's reaction:

Men. I've sorta pissed Dom off lately. I've been neglecting to brush my teeth and floss before bed. The first time I didn't feel good but he's allowed me to get out of it before when I didn't feel good. He understood that time, but now he just thinks its an excuse. And then I didn't feel like doing it last night so he got pissed about that too and he starts with the whole: "Do you know what happens to your teeth and gums when you don't brush and floss for one night?" God. He was already disappointed in me for not flossing well enough under my bridge because the last time we went to my dentist, they found a cavity under my bridge. Damn. So now Dom makes me floss under the very back tooth too, despite it looking like its separating from my gum. He assures me that its not going to break because of flossing but I don't know. He's even making me brush each side for 45 seconds now. Pfft. Like ain't nobody got time for that. But anyway, yeah, that's what's been going on with me and them. Not much. Same ole', same ole'. They're still the same guys. I really, really feel bad like I'm neglecting Hyde. But at least I've been paying a little more attention to him. He doesn't always come out with us and when he does, he's usually really quiet and reserved.

I've spent a lot of money lately, which shouldn't surprise you. Mostly on QVC, Torrid and ThredUP for new clothes, which I know I don't need because when I get all my clothes back, my closet is likely to be overflowing but hey, there are so many cute things in the world and I want them all. Plus, when you see something cute and rare on ThredUP, you HAVE TO snatch it up before someone else does. Strike while the iron's hot as they say. So what else? I'm actually almost done with my second novel in my series. I can't believe it. There's like 3 more chapters left and that's it. I can't believe that I went as long as this blog in updating it but you know, shit and life happens. Especially when I got addicted to Planet Coaster, which I miss playing sooo much right now! I need to finish my Mikaelson Mystic Falls park. I haven't played it since April 30th. Can you believe that? Yeah, I've resolved not to reward myself until I've finished this novel. But even as I say this, I know I'll get right into the first chapter because I miss Amy & Christian so much together! And the next one. . .

It's gonna be a hot one, an erotic MFM medical romance. This one will be mostly elements in that genre but there will always be suspense and drama in it. I've always wanted to write a threesome. I think I might've mentioned my idea for the third novel before, but I'm not going to give too much away. Just that the MFM will be Christian/Amy/Dom. Spoiler alert. For those who care anyway. Yeah, it's gonna be soooo fucking good and HOT, HOT, HOT!

But I'm still so excited to finish my park and see everyone roam all the different themed lands and see who their favorite Mikaelson is based on how many people are in each one. But it would probably be more for the rides but anyway, I have my own custom music to add to the rides like I mentioned before ( or did I? ).

So yeah, that's mostly it. I don't know what else I can say. I discovered this site called Mix Tiles through Pinterest. You can actually take any picture and make it into an 8x8 tile (framed or unframed) to stick on the wall. They have to be at least 490px in both width and height though so some pictures like screencaps don't come out clear. They come out all pixelated. Sadly I had to throw out one of Klamille and a couple of Haylijah tiles. I want to put my OTPs on the wall. I even got a tile that says: "All the feels" to put between them and some pictures of the French Quarter. And I got pictures of my guys too. Well, mostly Daniel Gillies, Dylan Bruce and Ian Somerhalder. And only one good picture of Constantine Maroulis. Ah well. I can't wait to put them up with my movie posters. I bought like probably 40 of them. Each tile is $11 each and you can get 20 for $100. I was lucky to get my 20 tiles for half that price because I was a new customer AND the best thing is that they will replace any tile that you don't like or doesn't come out the way you want FOR FREE! That's how I ended up with more than I bought. And they are easy to move and leave no damage to the wall. To be perfectly honest, they feel cheaply made, its a really light plastic frame and the picture is like printed on a piece of a paper but its a really good quality and once they're up on the wall, you obviously can't tell.

And honestly, that's about all I have to update about for now. The other time I've spent sleeping. I'm trying to survive my mom being a bitch. Hopefully I will be able to stay sane around her ass. Wish me luck!


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