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I need to stop being gluttonous

I know I've said I'm Piper Halliwell time and time again, but lately, I totally am, especially in "Sin Francisco" the season 3 episode of "Charmed." I've been spending my unemployment money like nobody's business, but I know I have to stop at a certain point so I have money for my name change so my name is officially Amy Mikaelson. I'm okay for now. The last time I got paid from EDD, I had like $1,600 I'm down to $700 with how much I've spent this past week and buying what? Clothes, even though I won't be going out to wear them anytime soon. Except maybe to my dentist's appointment next week. I do have a slight case of buyer's remorse, which I always get unless I'm spending the money on food, which, by the way, I miss so much right now. I'm starving myself again and Christian is not happy about it. Well actually, he said: "I'm still going to keep an eye on your vitals and if your BP gets too low, you're eating, whether you like it or not." This watch hasn't been giving accurate readings of my oxygen lately so Christian makes me use the other pulse ox. He freaks out and gets nervous when he sees it's low and I'm awake so he makes me use the other one to compare. Speaking of my oxygen, a couple days ago, I had a really bad headache/migraine (whatever) and Damon insisted that I use my oxygen concentrator because he knows that sometimes the extra oxygen helps take it away. I didn't want to, and I thought Christian would be on my side and back me up, but he eventually agreed with Damon that I should give it a try since painkillers weren't working, so damn it, they put that ugly nasal cannula on me even though I tried to fight them on it. My head did start to feel a little better and I kept trying to take it off even before it was better because I swear, I feel so embarrassed in front of my spirits and entities when I have to wear that shit with those damn tubes in my nose. They might beg to differ but still. . .every time I would lift my hand to my face to pull it off, Christian would see and he'd be like: "Ah, ah! No. Leave it alone. Leave it on." Grrrr! It was getting annoying. Damon would even swat my hand away. Damn them! And then when I started getting chest pain, well there was no way Christian was letting me take it off then. *sigh* Needless to say, I fell asleep and took a nap with that thing still on and when I woke up, my headache was gone completely. Still. . .I end up with a fucking mark on my face from the tube and that's what I hate most. But yeah, its still sweet and hot to see he and Damon walking around with their stethoscopes over their shoulders while they're taking care of me and damn it, I can't help but stare at the stethoscopes when they're moving or doing something to me like covering me up or following me to the bathroom or kitchen, leaning in the doorway and stuff. Christian with his black Littmann Cardiology IV and Damon with his freezing cold, navy Prestige Medical dual-tubed Sprague stethoscope. Bastard likes to try and put it on my chest sometimes and shock the hell out of me with how cold it is. Ugh! I mentioned that before, but really, I'm about ready to smack him and so is Christian for not bothering to warm it up before he goes and puts it on me yet Damon insists that I like it. Not FREEZING cold.

Anyway, where have I been spending my money? On Thred Up (over $100) & Amazon mostly, and most recently, Kohl's (over $100 -- kill me ). No, I didn't go out. Christian still isn't letting me out of the apartment, and honestly, I don't want to have to kill someone for getting on my fucking case for not wearing a face diaper and suffocating myself. I'm medically exempt. I have to start calling these fucking stores and telling them beforehand that I can't put that shit on my face because I'm medically exempt and would have trouble breathing. I'm sure if I tell them I use supplemental oxygen, they won't be complete pricks, but you know assholes these days. I tried to tell the receptionist that I can't breathe like that and she was like: "Well neither can we." Fucking bitch doesn't understand. I'll have to call her tomorrow and tell her to tell the dentist about my breathing issues. Like I said, I can wear a face shield but that's it. That's as far as I'll go or I'll only cover my mouth and not my nose if I have to wear a cloth. I swear, I said it before but I'll say it again, we really need some kind of a card we can flash to every business and office that says we're exempt and leave us the fuck alone. I swear I want to kill these fucks so much. Every night I pray to God to put this world back to normal, especially as far as face diapers go. Doctors, nurses, medics, and dentists are the only ones who should be wearing them. If God meant for us to wear diapers on our faces, we would've been born with them.

God, you have no idea how hungry I am right now. So hungry. I'm so sleepy and I'm starting to get a headache. Christian says its because I need to eat. I thought about ordering some sushi & crab wontons but the restaurant closed when I went to put my order. Fuckers! I also thought about IHOP for a second since they have free delivery but I'm really not in the mood for breakfast. Cupcake pancakes and scrambled eggs, but that's about it. And pizza...forget it, that's majorly fattening. So looks like I'm just going to starve. God, I want food sooooo bad! But I can't give in. As weak and tired as I am, I must persevere. Even if my writing will suffer as a result. God help me. I don't even have anything flavored to drink other than soda, which is just as bad as eating. Just water is my only friend right now. God, I hate myself. Christian just said he needs to know what my BP is. Yeah, yeah. I'll tell you guys about Colin Egglesfield and my brainstorming with him another time.

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