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Just a little update. . .

Not much to really update about. It's hard to update about anything exciting when you don't leave the apartment anymore. That's both Christian's and my doing. And I was supposed to go to the dentist this week but...again, I canceled. You can imagine Dom and Christian were pissed. Dom more so being the dentist himself. I think his exact words were: "If you were my patient and you canceled on me again, I would pay you a house call and take you over my knee." Well, can't say I would mind that. I can totally see him doing that actually, maybe in the next story. And of course Christian agreed, why wouldn't he? I just didn't feel like it and. . .I thought about it and this office is like 20 minutes or more away from where I live. 20 FUCKING MINUTES I'D HAVE TO WEAR THAT SUFFOCATING FACE DIAPER JUST BECAUSE THE FUCKING LYFT DRIVER IS AFRAID OF SOMEONE WHO'S ONLY BEEN OUT IN PUBLIC TWICE IN THE PAST 4 MONTHS? I would be gasping for air. Maybe I can just wear it over my mouth and if the driver says anything, I'll just tell them I have respiratory problems and can't breathe if it's covering my nose. If they have a heart, they'll understand. I did that for the most part when I went to the salon and no one bitched at me. I'm still praying every night that God gets rid of these fucking things once and for all. Something's gotta give. At least make them fucking optional again. None of this bullshit that goes against our constitutional rights. I really need me a lawyer. Of course, I could always threaten them with a lawyer. They don't need to know I don't really have one. Yet. Anyway, yeah, that was more the reason why I didn't want to go because I would have to wear one of those fucking things in the car. God I wish I drove so I wouldn't have to deal with this shit. Also, my tooth wasn't giving me any problems so why should I go? Wait until it does. Dom and Christian are like: "It doesn't matter. You still need to go." It's actually my bridge that's been hurting more than that one I need a root canal on and I know it has to be replaced but that would mean I would have to pay $657 x2 for a replacement by my own dentist. They're letting me pay half and half. Half when they start the work and then half when they finish. I don't know if I'll have that money if I keep spending it on Cameo and I still need my name changed legally and my new mattress. So basically, I need to save like over $2,000 for all of that which is next to impossible with me. I don't know. Knowing my dentist, he'll probably tell me that it hurts because I'm not flossing under it but fuck, it's not like I don't TRY. I just can't seem to thread it under there. I'd say I'm capable of getting it under about 2% of the times I floss. But yeah, I made an appt with my regular dentist so they can take an X-Ray again and see how my bridge is. It's on the 20th but I don't know if I'll end up backing out like usual. Maybe not. It's not that far away. Much.

So there's that. I been sleeping more often than usual. Maybe its time I start using my CPAP again. Yeah, I know, I'm supposed to be using it but I just feel so embarrassed wearing it if I know my Concuans are watching me or any other hot spirit guy here. Not like they've been so eager to feel me up lately anyway. As usual. I'm so sick of my fat ugly ass turning them off. And speaking of hot...fuck! It's literally like an oven when you step outside now. Like you're walking into an oven. The humidity is smoldering and like being under a blanket. And those fucks expect people to wear face diapers in this heatwave?

I can't wait to start hearing about all the people who are dying of heatstroke because they have to wear those damn things. Maybe then these fucking assholes enforcing it will drop this shit. Glad I stay inside except when I need to get my Uber Eats or DoorDash food. Lately, they've been able to find my apartment without me having to direct them so good on them.

Only one last thing, an update on Cameo. Daniel still unavailable? Yeep! Little shit. I said it before and I'll say it again, I really am glad I got my videos when I did. Otherwise, I would seriously hate him right now. Well, more so. I'm 50% love/50% hate with that man right now. So let me give you the rundown again.


  1. Daddy Gillies ( x 3 )

  2. Andrew Lees ( x 2 )

  3. April & Phil Margera

  4. Chris Gorham

  5. Chris Kirkpatrick

  6. David Lascher

  7. Eric Roberts

  8. French Stewart

  9. Jenna Leigh Green

  10. Jonathan Kite ( x 2 )

  11. Karan Ashley

  12. Lochlyn Munro

  13. Marsha Thomason

  14. Mark Curry

  15. Nick Groff

  16. Sean Patrick Thomas

  17. Sebastian Roche

  18. Shawn Killinger

  19. Tom Lenk

  20. Wesley Jonathan


  • Dylan Walsh

  • Matthew Lawrence

  • Jason David Frank ( ZOOM call @ 5:00 pm 7/12 )


  • Colin Egglesfield ( 1st & 2nd try - Damn you you sexy fuck! I need one from you! )

  • Hal Sparks ( 1st expired - unavailable now )

So YES! I'm going to have a 10 min Zoom call with THEE Jason David Frank, one of my huge childhood crushes, AKA, the Green & the White "Power Ranger." I'm not attracted to him anymore, but I wanted to Zoom with a celebrity and I eventually just settled on him. I still want one with Sebastian Roche though because he's so nice. I was going to do one with Eric Roberts because he's $25 less but no...that would be way too creepy. He creeps me out as it is and it would be like zooming with his stalker/pedophile-ish character Dr. Beck from the "Stalked By My Doctor" movie series. No thank you. Sigh. But still...I wish I hadn't spent that $250 now to be totally honest. I only spend that kind of money on Daddy but if it's less than 24 hours before the time, it's too late to cancel for a full refund so. . .yeah. It's not that I'm nervous. I just have buyer's remorse when its not Daniel. Christian told me to wait until its someone that I really, really like before spending that kind of money but yeah...too late now. I really, really wish Andrew Lees would be available to Zoom because he is such a sweetie! His second video was so cute and funny with his different accents and his opinion as Lucien of Elijah. I don't know if I mentioned it before but I hate, hate, HATE Lance Bass for not lowering the price of his $1,000 zoom calls.

I mean, shit, his video Cameos are $249 and then to make his Zooms $1,000? Does he really have no other source of income? Chris from *NSYNC was only $100. See? That's fair. But even if I want one from Joey, I have to pay $200. And $350 for Joseph Morgan. I'm going to do that if I ever have the money to spare but right now? No. I mean, I know these celebrities are doing it for charity and shit but they know the state of the current economy? Have some respect for those of us who are stuck at home struggling and want something to put a smile on our faces. They're as bad as all the other rich fucks who are taking our money and have no sympathy for the poor. And when you're rich, THEY GIVE YOU SHIT FOR FREE! I'm just so done with rich people, famous or otherwise. Yet another reason I'm Max Black. She hates rich people too.

My mom says I should look presentable for Jason Frank and not be in my PJs. Pffft! What??? For a 10 minute call? Seriously, why the fuck can't they make it as long as a union mandated break? 15 fucking minutes! 20 even. Hell, I'd be ecstatic with 30 minutes but no, TEN. Unacceptable. I guess I'll put some make-up on. Maybe put a blouse on over my nightgown or something. I don't know. Make-up definitely. You can't record the Zoom but I have a plan...I can record the audio. Well....I do have FonePaw that lets you record your screen and audio but I don't really want to spend the extra $30 for a video of this. Maybe if it were Daniel but not this one. My trial version only lets me record up to 3 minutes. The audio will do for now. I don't really want to see my ugly self on camera anyway.

So yeah, that's all I have to update about. For now. I'll let you know how it goes and maybe post a transcript. Yeah, definitely a transcript. If any of you guys want to see any of my Cameo videos, just tell me which ones and I'll post them here. Most of them are probably on their profiles on Cameo though. Except for the Daniel ones but those are. . .sort of personal to me. Still, let me know.



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