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Mixed feelings. Bye-bye, Colin. For now.

Well, I had my last Zoom call with Colin. We talked for almost an hour and a half. Well, an hour and like 20 minutes. I was pissed off at first because he was like 15 minutes late because he was talking to someone else (with really emotional problems), and I straight up almost said "fuck it" and demanded a refund. He didn't tell me that was the reason in the email, but he told me when his ass finally came on Zoom. Took him long enough. I wanted to be like Sophie Kachinsky: "Can it ever just be about me?!" And other than forgetting to turn my microphone on the first few minutes, yes, I was able to capture the call via my game bar. THANK YOU WINDOWS 10!! You're a lifesaver and I don't even have to spend money to get a better program. I wore my glasses because I felt more confident with them and of course, just as I expected, his ass wouldn't think of me as a friend. Why? Because this is a professional relationship and there is money involved. Ugh! He's such a fucking asshole! I was going to add him to my "my guys" page but now, you get nothing! Dick wad and he looked fucking bored for most of the conversation, along with being a sarcastic smart-ass asshole, which just makes me hate him even more. Damon was like: "Get your refund so you can buy that jacket." This Kim Gravel military jacket I saw on TV earlier. I know I have like two military-like jackets already, but I really like this one. The one thing that I loved most was that not only did he let me talk for longer, but he was so amazed and enamored and tickled by my singing voice and my talent for sounding like almost any female singer. I was nervous as fuck but I sang and OH MY GOD, he was all smiles the whole time, even closing his eyes and bobbing his head when I was singing.

He was like: "That's amazing!" Sweet baby Jesus! He was just gorgeous loving on my singing. See, that's how I would love for Daniel Gillies to react, just like that. Then get down on one knee and be like: "Will you marry me?" Lol! I'd be like: "I'll fuck you but you got some growing up to do before I marry yo ass!" He asked me to sing Britney first then said I really sounded like her. I told him I can sing exactly like Christina Aguilera and he was like: "Do her." And then he was even more amazed. Then he wanted me to do Lady Gaga. In the middle of another topic, he's like: "Can you sing another song? It's so good."

And I sang almost all of "So Much Better" from the Legally Blonde Musical and he was like: "We gotta get you on Broadway." Awwwww! I was like: "I wish!" I'm so glad I got to capture his reaction on camera. Something to treasure forever! For real, yo. I can't wait to show my mom and Kat. He even wanted to get me a job at Disneyworld singing in the shows. Lol! I don't live in Florida though, and he's like: "Move there." Pfft! I wish! So he loves my voice now, awwww! See, I knew if I sang for a guy I like, he would be enamored by me. It's just working up the courage to do it that I struggle with. And my bad case of stage fright. And at the end, he was like: "You have an amazing voice. So beautiful. Truly."

I did my unboxing of my Try My Snacks and Go Scribbler boxes in front of him, but they were a bust. Nothing good. And I hated that he looked bored. I'll never do that again. I should've used that time to sing more. If I ever talk to him again, I'm going to have to give him a free concert but that's a big IF. IF I decide he's still worth my time. IF I can find something else to talk about. IF I have the extra money to throw around. I know, I know, I know I promised Damon and Christian no more. I pinky promised Damon even, but. . .maybe someday. Someday. If the government ever decides to give out more money, which right now is looking unlikely.

But anyway, yeah, he was smiling a lot, but still. . .I called him out on his mocking and he says he does it to make a point. Pfft! What fucking point? That you're an ass? And every time I make a metaphorical statement like: "stabbing me in the back" or "hurting my feelings," he has to take it as a literal statement and make some smart ass remark asking if it really happened like that. Ugh! I just fucking can't with him. He's the cause of too many headaches and stress. Just no. I kinda feel bad for anyone who IS his friend, although I'm sure he probably would treat them nicer than his "business associates." I swear, man, if he & Daniel were both gay, they would be perfect for each other. Although they'd probably end up chewing each other's heads off about the littlest and stupidest shit day after day. I'd pay to see that. They'd be like an old married couple.

I rolled my eyes at him and called him out on his bullshit, but he still remained unaffected. Figures. Typical man. What else? Oh, I told him about the subscription boxes that I subscribe to and he was asking me about them and how much they are and he thought the "Once Upon A Book Club" one was really cool. And you want to hear something weird? Not only does he wear those black-rimmed glasses every time we have a session, but I've noticed today that he takes notes too when I'm talking. Like why? What for? That's what my therapist does. He asked me today what my favorite romantic comedy is besides Something Borrowed, what my favorite candy is, and ice cream flavor. I think its sweet when someone asks my favorite things and I like answering those questions, but I really don't see the relevance of that of why he would ask, but whatever. Oh, and you know what else I found cute?! He didn't even know that the blu-ray for his own movie had behind-the-scenes footage.

I read what was on it to him and he was like: "I'm going to have to get that." See, I like having regular conversations like this with him. Except when his sarcasm and smart-ass mouth ruin it. Like Daniel. I told him about how I hadn't been feeling good lately, physically, and he was like: "Are you drinking enough water?" The look and smile he gave me when I went silent was so cute. He's like: "Go to Target and get a water filter." He has a solution for everything, doesn't he? Of course he does. Every man does. Cocky little shit. I should've read the quotes from that board I made for us on Pinterest. I asked him if he liked my glasses and he said they were cute!

Awwww! My mom said the same thing, but the fact that he liked them on me is what really matters. You know what? I don't give a fuck what he thinks. Friend or not, sometimes its nice just to have someone to talk to. Even if I'm paying him to talk to me. God, now that I think about it, that really sounds pathetic, huh? Ugh! Well I need a break from him anyway, a long break. *in Timbaland's voice* "If we ever meet again. . ."

So yeah, that was today's and my last call with Colin. . .for a very long time. And even though it's only after 8pm right now, I feel like passing out. Christian says I should get some sleep. I know if I tell my mom about the video, she's going to be like: "I'm not going to watch it tonight, I'm very tired." Pfft! Same shit she always says. I'm so pissed that they sent me a Mexico snack box for "Try My Snacks." If there's one country who's snacks I hate most, it's Mexico. I'll have to get in touch with them and see what they can do. I could've sworn it said Thailand for this month. So pissed! So that was a waste of food. Wish I could give the whole thing to Rodney. My former manager at Kmart who will eat anything and everything and not get sick. Don't know how he stayed fit, but damn it, I envy his steel stomach. I have the opposite. Can't believe Christian is on Colin's side now after what he said to me today. Ugh! Just ugh! How rude.

See you guys next time.


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