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Okay, I was wrong. . .

First of all, there's no better gif for this post than this one. It's sort of romantic in a way, I feel just like Hayley in that moment and in a way, I am Hayley. :) I'm Christian's "Hayley." And he's my Elijah, but this morning, I feel like the Hayley to Daniel's Elijah. The Haylijah fans will remember the moment. When she was ready to keep fighting to the death to protect her family and then all of a sudden Elijah showed up behind her, surprising her and she was so happy to see him. That's what Daniel did to me this morning at approximately 12:31 AM. I had been worrying and praying all day long, begging God to please help Daniel find the compassion in his heart to make me another video and GOD ANSWERED MY PRAYERS! I guess it really is true what they say, with God all things are possible. . . except me winning that V-Day lunch with this man. Now that I will still hold a grudge for because like I said before no one deserved it but me, but I digress. But anyway, back to what I was saying. I didn't expect a response from him at all. Matter of fact, it was already getting close to expiring, like minutes away, so you can imagine that I had already given up hope. I was actually over halfway done with a post saying goodbye to him for good and ready to seriously close the book on this obsession but then. . .he shows up and surprises me!

Gah. . .I ain't gonna lie, I was dreading what he was going to say to me. I thought he was going to chew me out or something or verbally attack me and granted, I could really do without the smart ass remarks he just has to throw in every video. I really, really hate when people make bullshit assumptions about me or people they don't even know and I can't shout at them and make them eat their words. I'm probably a hypocrite for saying that but when they are about me, it's personal. In the first video, he thought I was trying to get him thrown in jail or something, in the second video, he accused me of treating him like a trained seal, and then in this one, he accuses me of thinking that all actors are horses that are meant to do tricks for people. So in other words, he thinks that I look at actors like ponies that are supposed to do tricks?

UH, NO, Sir! FYI, that's NOT what I think actors are for at all nor is that what I'm trying to turn you into! As a matter of fact, I've been an actor too, taking theater classes all my life both in high school and in college. But think about it, there are so many fans out there ( Elijah Stan fans ) that love these characters so much that they would do almost anything to see or hear them again and some actors usually aren't opposed to uttering some famous line or being the character for a minute just to make someone smile. It's fun for them but clearly not for everyone. He even said that he sees a request that has a lot of tricks in it then he thinks its more about them and not about him.

Conceited much? He says his voice is something that he values and that I should value. So I guess getting him to do Elijah's voice for me is off the table, along with being Christian. Unbelievable. I really wish I had been smarter about casting certain actors, but I guess you never really know how certain actors are going to be until you see their true colors on social media or you meet them personally. I only hope that I can one day see my Concuans because they'll be more than willing to be Daniel just the way I want him. For real though, I could never marry this man. No way. Elijah, he is NOT. I see that now. Like my mom said once before ( it was about Constantine), some men, they look nice on the shelf but other than that. . .that's about it. I don't know if that's exactly how it went or what the other part was. I'll have to ask her, but it was something like that. Maybe it is better that this will be the last one I request from him for a while, at least until my birthday. He can't just make a nice video where he's not a smart ass at least once, can he? I can't. . .I just can't. I bet everyone else has gotten better videos from him, but beggars can't be choosers.

Anyway, enough with the bad parts of his video. This one was longer than the others, which was surprisingly nice and his cat didn't interrupt him this time. He reminded me of a 5-year-old the way he started out spinning around in his chair while talking. It was kinda making me dizzy. As if he doesn't already do that. Heh heh. I also love the way he started it initial, reminding me a little of Christian the way he crossed his arms and was like: "Amy. . . ." *heavy sigh, silence, eye roll* LMAO! That was so very Christian. He does that when he's losing patience with me but he didn't look as angry as Christian usually does. There was a little trace of a smile on his face. Damn, he looked sooooo damn good too, except for a piece of his hair was sticking up, which Damon just had to point out to me and laugh at because, well, that's Damon for ya. He did do something sexy though and run his fingers over his hair SO SEXY! I love how he always does the videos in his bedroom. BROWN CHICKEN BROWN COOOOW!

ANYway, he said he declined my other request because I wanted him to do a lot of different things and these things are only supposed to be about a minute. Ugh! Yeah, he's said that before but COME ON! There's no fucking time limit. I even asked the Cameo people via email. Besides, he's definitely gone and broken that rule already, this one being over 6 minutes long. Bless him! He had to stop and take a big ole drink of water for a sec. He said: "How dare you suggest that I hate you." He said he could never hate anyone, except Trump and his followers. Preach! He also implied that he knows people are going to post these videos. Pfft. Not me. The only people I show them to are Kat and my mom. Unless you count my spirits and entities. He said that he isn't offended and he doesn't offend easily, except by his kids. He also said that he likes that his videos ease my depression and anxiety, that so many people have come to him on Cameo expressing the same thing.

And then he was like, "I'm going to reprimand you here and say in all sincerity, don't book me anymore. You don't need to. Just know that I love you. I love you here and I'm wishing you nothing but the kindest, fondest thoughts" and then he says I should spend any further money somewhere else, give it to some charity of my own choice. After that, I felt like Hayley in the last episode of season 3 when Elijah was dying and he was talking to her like he wasn't going to see her anymore and she couldn't let him go. I feel just like that gif right there. I mean, I hate him, but at the same time, I want him to talk me down from being depressed, help me find something else in this world that will make me happy and encourage me to keep going on, be sweet and sincere the same way Christian is to me all the time. But not being able to get any more videos from him. . .How am I going to survive? I want a sincere pep talk from him, I even thought about asking him for a pep talk before I go to this new dentist tomorrow being scared and nervous. He wouldn't decline that, would he? I want that so bad! Christian and I had a little argument about this earlier. Basically it went like this.

Amy: "Just let me try."

Christian: "And if he declines then you're going to hate him." Amy: "I can TRY. Come onnn! Let me try." Christian: "Amy. . .leave. It. Alone." Amy: "My inner Goddess is like 'yeah, yeah, do it, do it.'" Christian: "Well your inner Goddess needs a time out. She's going to meet my belt if she doesn't stop."

Amy: "Well now she's horny."

LMAO! Yeah, those were some good comebacks on his part. I know some people out there are probably rolling their eyes and saying that I should be thankful with what I have because most people probably don't have $750 to be throwing around to get multiple video messages from their man, but I can't help it. When I find something that makes me happy, I want more of it. Christian is intent on doing whatever the hell he can to stop me from spending another $250, bringing the total to nearly $1,000 on Daniel Gillies, which I'm starting to think he isn't even worth. He would probably feel the same. Mark my words though, when my birthday comes around in September, it will get to that point and I look forward to that 4th video from him. I'm even considering spending $350 on my mom's birthday to have Joseph Morgan give her a shoutout. You know. . .assuming the government and the IRS keep making it rain. Daniel was really sweet at the end of the video though, CALLING ME "SWEETHEART" TWICE!! Telling me he loved me, for me to have a beautiful week and giving me a kiss.

I swear to you, I felt like I was watching a video message from Christian in those last few seconds. Not Daniel at all but Christian.I just. . .I can't even! This is why he makes me want more. When he's an ass, he's an ass but when he's sweet. . .oh God, he's really fucking sweet! Christian Masters sweet! He called me "honey" in the 2nd video. I don't think I mentioned that but I swear, I cannot fucking contain my temptation. As much as I'm starting to hate him, I really want another one. I don't think I can wait until my birthday but must resist. It's sooooo hard though! He makes everything better somehow. I have a feeling that Christian is right though. He'll probably decline and then I'll hate him even more unless I start off with something like: ( Last one, I swear ) or ( Sorry, this is important ) and then tell him I have a dentist appointment that I'm scared and nervous for and could he give me the courage to get through it? I really don't think he would turn down a request to comfort someone in a time of need. I mean, obviously, if he replied to the most recent one. I thought about asking him a bunch of questions to help me with Christian's characterization but yeah, knowing his ass, he'd probably decline that one too because it's "asking so much of him." Ugh! I really hope to God he wouldn't give me that "Me Too" movement bullshit if my novel became a movie and I asked him to play a Dominant because like I said before THERE IS NO ONE ELSE!!! HE'S PLAYING CHRISTIAN MASTERS AND THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT. There's no replacing him. THE END. I've had this cast list set for years. I would have to seriously take his ass to school. Kat says that he probably would. I'm glad that she was as outraged and appalled by his accusations and arrogance as I was.

Now that I found Cameo. . .this is the greatest fucking thing in the world to connect celebrities with their fans. What I really need is Matt Bomer, Dylan Bruce, or Ian Somerhalder to sign up like fucking NOW so I can have a plan B, someone else I can stalk. I wonder if one of them would actually not be mean like Daniel and be willing to pretend they're my characters. Yeah, tell Matt to pretend he's an OB/GYN and I'm his patient who's laying on his exam table with her legs spread. LMAO! I wish. Maybe something not so dirty. And yeah. . .I kind of let it slip to my mom what I had done, buying a third video from him, but when I want to show someone something so bad, I can't help it. The secret comes out. Fortunately, she didn't have a second heart attack. I asked her if she wanted to see the video and she said: "Tomorrow, when I'm more calm." Christian warned me not to tell her, even Damon warned me. They're like, "she's going to get mad." I know! But like I said, I can never just keep these videos of my man to myself. I must show people. Well, Toni and Kat. I fucking tried to show that bitch my video. I don't mean Kat. I mean the other one, Toni, but instead, she would rather watch the fucking news! The fucking news that talks about the same shit every day! Fake ass virus, blah blah, blah, face diapers, blah blah blah, more fake numbers, blah blah blah, Governor Nuisance, blah blah blah. Like anybody gives a rat's ass. I'm so sick of this SCAMDEMIC! They need to stop this shit because it's gotta so fucking old. And now I feel like killing myself. If only Daniel could talk me down from suicide. Christian tells me: "You don't need Daniel. You've got me." I know he's just trying to be sweet but I just feel like I'd be better off dead. No one cares about me anymore but Christian.

Damon: "Hey! What the hell am I?"

And Damon.

Dom: "And me."

Hyde: "I care too, darling."

And them, I guess. It's just hard to go on and I definitely don't want to go to the dentist tomorrow even though I have to. I know Dom (especially) & Christian will drag me in there kicking and screaming if I don't. So since he wouldn't let me buy a pep talk from Daniel, I decided I'd go with Chris from *NSYNC even though I still want Joey, but I don't know if I want to spend that much again right now. If I knew Daniel was okay with more Cameos. . . .yeah, I don't know if I would still do it. Must. Stop. Thinking. Of. More Daniel. Cameos. Part of me is wishing he would change his status on Cameo to "TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE" but then I would be mad and be like: "No! He better be available on September 13th or the week of." I'll probably request the birthday video like the day before or 2 days before the day. OH MY GOD, can you imagine what he'd say: "Amy. . .you returned. Happy Birthday, sweetheart. I love you and I hope you have a beautiful and amazing day. Bye, sweetheart. *MWAH*" EEEEEEEEE! OMG! Yeah, he would totally say that! Hope he'll be looking sexy for my special day!

So let's take stock of my Cameo collection:


  1. Daddy Gillies ( x 3 )

  2. Andrew Lees

  3. Tom Lenk

  4. Marsha Thompson

  5. Christopher Gorham

  6. Karan Ashley

  7. Lochlyn Munro

  8. Nick Groff

  9. Jonathan Kite

  10. Shawn Killinger

  11. Phil & April Margera

  12. French Stewart

  13. Wesley Jonathan

  14. Chris Kirkpatrick

  15. David Lascher


  • Colin Egglesfield

  • Mark Curry

  • Andrew Lees ( part 2 )

  • Eric Roberts

  • Jenna Leigh Green

  • Sean Patrick Thomas


Hal Sparks


Samantha Harris

Constantine Maroulis

So there you have it. It's fine. I never cared for Samantha Harris. She's a skinny bitch. I just wanted her to do something fictional and fun and Constantine, I'm not surprised by. He's a punk!

I've got this new watch now that can check my vital signs, except I can't figure out how to take my temperature yet and Damon and Christian won't stop bugging me to see it and know what my heart rate is. Lately, when Christian suspects I'm not feeling well, he'll be like: "Can I get a set of vitals, please?" Okay, I have two smartwatches. Well I'm glad they sent me the other one even after I canceled my order, because that's the one Christian has me using now. I just tried it out and he prefers this one over the other, even though the other one checks my heart rate every 10 minutes. This one can check in real-time on my phone and with the push of a button on the bracelet. He likes that he can just look at my phone if he wants to know all my vital signs and that he can also get a measurement of everything at once with the app, plus the accuracy of the temperature and a better ECG readout. So yeah, he's happy now and is making me wearing it day and night. I liked the look of the other one though and the heart rate every 10 minutes but my spirits check my vitals every hour so. . .I guess this is the same. The damn nurses (no offense my lady spirits) bug me and every other patient every 4 hours in the hospital so. . .yeah. I better go now. He wants me to get to bed even though I slept most of the day. I don't want to go to the damn dentist. Dammit! I want some reassurance from Daniel.

Christian: "You don't need Daniel when I am right here."

I know. . .but. . .still. Off to the damn dentist tomorrow. Nooooo!

Dom: "You need to."

Christian: "You're going!"

Fine. Goodnight all!


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