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Recovered yet dizzy, Daddy & Planet Coaster

Updated: Jun 29, 2021

I meant to update, but I got distracted by other things like Planet Coaster. I'll explain later. First of all, I can't even tell you the hell I've been through and the toll it's taken on not just me but Christian too, and I'm sure my medical spirits ( who probably had to work double shifts to take care of me ). My body has been put through hell and back. Where do I start? Well, first of all, I never bothered to go and get a fucking COVID test, and no fucking way was I planning on it unless they swabbed the inside of my cheek or let me spit into something but since I had almost all of the symptoms, I didn't think I would need one. All I have to say is that if this bullshit wasn't COVID, maybe it was my first experience with the flu but either way, it was bad. At one point, I think it was either Friday or Saturday, I seriously thought I was going to have to go to the fucking ER because I started having chest pain, my fever spiked and my oxygen level was dangerously low, but I got through it and damn it, I promised myself that if I was going to die from this, I would die here at home with some dignity. No way in hell was I going to allow those gold-digging assholes and whores (the doctors & nurses) to profit from my death like everyone else so somehow I decided to suck it up and allowed Christian and Dom and my spirits to help me get through it and I took my dad's advice about just going about your day like you weren't sick, and my mom's advice about opening the window in my bedroom and letting some air in and surprisingly, both of those things helped. I'm trying to remember things but to be perfectly honest, it's hard to recall much of anything right now. The whole thing has been a blur. Most of my time was spent in bed. I mentioned before how Christian refused to let me out of bed unless I either had to use the bathroom or get something to eat. Daddy wasn't playing around. I mean, he was really worried. He was checking my temperature and my pulse ox like almost every hour or every other hour and the readings weren't good. My temperature was continuously fluctuating between 99.1 and 101.5. It never got any higher than that, thank God! Christian also made sure I was taking some acetaminophen or Ibuprofen regularly to reduce my fever and to ease the pounding in my head. God that was one of the worst migraines I had in a long time and the fact that it wouldn't go away was the worst. Then there were the constant muscle aches in my limbs, the profuse sweating, and my inability to keep anything down without having diarrhea immediately after. You could say I was in Hell and Christian did the best he could to try and help me, but I could tell that he was getting more and more worried as this went on, and he was running out of options. He was constantly trying to hush me though, standing by my bedside doing that cute little "shh shh" thing that he does while caressing my hair, assuring me that he was right there, whispering to me that I would be okay and telling me just to rest. He's such a sweetie when he does that, even though I knew this was hard for him to see me suffering. Dom would come in and check on me every now and then, asking Christian how I was doing and helping out in any way he could. One time while Christian was talking to Hyde, Dom did him a favor and took a listen to my lungs. It's so hot how he's not only a general dentist and an oral surgeon but also a doctor. Raawr! And a former Navy SEAL. ;) Don't forget that.

Anyway, after about a week of hell, I started to feel better but I still had this congested cough for a few days. It went away though. Looks like Kat's spirits were right, that I'd be over it by the third week of January. My taste and smell are back too, THANK GOD! I couldn't deal with not being able to experience life like that anymore. Still, now that I'm over COVID, I've been feeling dizzy these past few days and its been worrying Christian like crazy, even Dom and Damon have pointed out that they've noticed I've been off balance and I keep hearing all of them saying: "we really need to check her BP" or asking Christian if he's checked my BP. Meaning my blood pressure. Ugh! I don't need my blood pressure checked and yet. . .they won't stop harping on me about it. I told Christian that he can just let my spirits do it. They check my vitals at the top of every hour anyway. He has been checking my pulse almost every day though and doing his nightly bedtime routine of listening to my heart. He usually checks my pulse right after he notices that I'm getting dizzy. I love it when he does that, looking all sexy when he stares at his watch and being all watchful of me in general, reaching out to steady me or rushing up behind me in a flash and placing his hands on my shoulders or hips to steady me. He'll be like: "Sweetheart!" or "Princess!" then come rushing over and ask if I'm okay. Christian thinks that I should have some tests run to find out why I've been dizzy, blood tests, and a cranial nerve exam. Well, actually, Dom is the one who suggested the cranial nerve exam, Christian just agreed, of course. after I've had COVID, I should get a full physical.

We'll see about that. I'm so fucking sick of blood tests. They hurt like a bitch. I don't need to be stuck with another fucking needle. It's been too long but I don't wannaaa! He already knows I'm going to my new doctor on the 26th so he's going to request that I call or that I tell her when I'm there that I had COVID and I need a full physical to make sure all is well. Over my dead body. Have I told you how much I hate having physicals? I haven't had one in years and I don't need one now. The last time I had to have one, I tried to get out of it and that was for a job. Unless it's with a cute guy, then I'll be happy to. ;) Yeah, I know, I have a medical fetish but still, I feel so embarrassed when Christian and everybody ( my spirits and the rest of my Tulpas ) are watching. Yeah, i don't want to do that, but I know he'll make me do it anyway. Grrrr! Meeean. So other than the dizziness, I'm okay I guess. Just tired.

So what else? Well, I fucking hate Colin Egglesfield now but not like before. No. See, I got an email last week from his fucking assistant. That's right, not him. His fucking assistant. This bitch tells me that the fucker increased his price for his empowerment sessions. It's not $175 anymore, no, this fucking gold-digging asshole wants $300!!

Officially and completely. I honestly didn't think he could become more of an asshole, but there you have it. It's a shame. I actually was considering paying another $175 when I got more money just to check in with him after all that had happened and then he gives me this fucking bullshit?!?

*sigh* Looks like he'll never get to hear me sing again, act with me, and that show he wanted to put me in? Yeah, that's not happening now either. Needless to say, I replied to that email and said for her to tell him I said "good riddance." My mom says I shouldn't have answered that way, but fuck, I was pissed. I feel like I've been backstabbed again by another asshole who I thought was my friend. I know he said time and time again that he wasn't my friend but my coach but I thought maybe in the future, we could BE friends. That would've been nice. But he blew it. I hope he's fucking happy with himself. He talks all this shit about how he's "running a business" but it's clear from his recent actions that ain't nobody wants his sorry ass anymore. Fucking C list actor. He ain't even good enough to be on the B list. Little fuck! So yeah, we're done. I kind of saw this coming when he didn't even have the heart to respond when I emailed him back when my mom and I had COVID. I'm definitely going to have to recast him in my fiction. Aiden Hendrix was stupid anyway. I'd love to kill him off though. That'd be fun. Maybe if I need an excuse to kill a character, I'll introduce him then kill him. After all, its what we authors do. Put our enemies in our books and kill them.

Moving on, I think I'm done with Wattpad too. I just can't deal with this fucking bullshit and I know I've said it about a thousand times before but whether I'm out book shopping or just going through the giveaways on Goodreads, I keep seeing more and more fucking whores getting published from Wattpad Books. It's a fucking insult to me, and even more so because these cunts are little teenagers. I feel like a big fish in a small pond on that site, which is probably why I have so few followers because 90%, maybe even more authors on that site are teenagers. No one wants me. Maybe my writing sucks or I'm too mature to be on that site, but as much as I love adding gifs to my chapters when I update and getting praise, I just can't do it anymore. I won't do it anymore. I just can't sit back and continue watching all these undeserving cunts snatch my dream away from me. It's too painful. So I'm thinking about just going back to self-publishing and then marketing my books on Amazon. Anyone wants to read it? They can buy it first. Either that or go back to FictionPress or Archive of our Own, at least until I find some other site that will be more adult-friendly. Maybe that other site, Inkit, or something. Wish I had my own website as I did a long time ago where I can just post my stuff there and fuck everyone else. I hope those bitches who get published get COVID so they know the pain I feel when I see them steal my dream away from me. Sorry not sorry. That's how much I hate them, with every fiber of my being. I deserve true happiness after all the hell I've been through in life. God dealt me a shitty hand and all I have to show for it are talents that are mediocre at best. Well, except for my singing. My singing is better than anyone and no one can tell me otherwise because I'm the shit and everyone else sucks in comparison. I'm the Queen Diva when it comes to singing. It's just my writing that I'd rather be known for. I just wish someone would see my talent and want to do something with it. I know, I know, my mom says and everyone says that it's not just going to fall in my lap, and if I want it, I have to go out and do something about it or make an effort, but honestly, wow. . .it's just like I remember Colin (hate to bring his ass up again but he was right) saying to me. Nothing has worked out for me in the past, so why would it work out in the future? He was so right when he said that. That time when he put everything in perspective for me. It made me feel like shit but I knew he was right. And yet. . .part of me still wants to pay $300, just once, NO. No, I won't. I can't afford that. Well, maybe once. No. Damn it! Part of me wants to but another part, the sensible part knows that he's not worth that. I just. . .maybe it's because I don't have a therapist to talk to. . .I just need someone to talk to right now, to encourage me, but I guess he would just be giving me the same lecture he always does, telling me that I can do this but I just don't want to put the effort in. Telling me things I basically already know and yeah, I don't know. If it was just a matter of $175, I wouldn't hesitate but it's not anymore. I can't believe I'm actually considering emailing him again and begging him to lower the price or at least charge that price for me just for one session. God, what's wrong with me? I wish I had never gotten involved with him in the first place, but as they say. . .you meet people sometimes for a reason. Maybe I had to meet him to sort of look at myself from the outside, see myself and my life for what it really is. Still. . .I wish we could continue. With the money I was supposed to get, we could've had a session every week like we used to. IF IT WAS ONLY $175! Part of me feels like he did this shit purposely. I would just like to have one last conversation with him just to find out what the fuck he was thinking, why he would do this, and if he ever gave any thought to how it would personally affect me. Probably not. Fucker! I need another celebrity to be my life coach. Someone who's decently as attractive. I went and deleted all those Rizzoli & Isles episodes I had set to record to watch later and without bothering to watch them at all. Least it freed up space on my DVR but I still have SOOOO much more to watch (Navy SEALs documentary, Dr. Pimple Popper, My Feet Are Killing Me, Hoarders, 60 Days In, Ridiculousness, Paranormal Caught On Camera) before we move.

Yes, we're moving in like two weeks. *sighs* Into the cheapest most ghetto place yet. . .a fucking mobile home park. Ugh! I hear the words "mobile home" and it makes me think of a trailer park, like an actual trailer on wheels that might as well be a shack. I just realized that in all the years since my mom and I moved out of my grandparent's house, our living conditions went from the best to the worst.

THE FIRST PLACE: An actual house (B)


  • Amazing and best city weather

  • My room was upstairs and so was my bathroom (like my own little apt or loft)

  • The windows were soundproof

  • I had curtains ( thank you grandpa! ) and an entertainment nook in the wall

  • I could lock my door and be as loud as I wanted

  • My mom & her husband were downstairs

  • I got to decorate the outside for Halloween and we got trick-or-treaters

  • I had a lock on my bedroom door

  • My room got to be painted hot pink

  • I could use my surround sound system to watch movies & TV shows

  • I had storage for my DVDs & blu-rays

  • My closet was the perfect size


  • There were mice

  • It got too expensive to live there

  • I had a mess of shit in my loft/outside my bathroom



  • My room was across the apartment from my moms

  • My bathroom sink was in my bedroom and the toilet/shower in a separate room (loved it!)

  • I had a lock on my bedroom door


  • We had loud people upstairs

  • The dog's bathroom area was right outside my room so they would shit and piss there

  • We had to walk like a mile to the laundry room

  • Had to walk half-way across the complex to get the mail



  • My room was upstairs

  • My mom and her husband's room was down the hall

  • My closet was the perfect size

  • My bed sat below the window with the air coming in

  • The bus stop was within walking distance so I could get a ride to college & sometimes be dropped off too

  • The market & Carl's Jr was across the street ( even though I'm not much of a fan )

  • I could sometimes use my surround sound system to watch movies


  • My bathroom was across the hall but I had to go past their bedroom

  • Climbing the stairs was tiring

  • It was hotter than hell in my room

  • My bedroom was so small, I could barely fit in it

  • The washer and dryer were right outside my bedroom

  • There were always crazy ass old PTSD veterans shouting in the street.

  • It became too expensive to live there though. ( Damn it! )

  • There was a roach in my bedroom that disappeared ( until we moved and I found it later, dead thankfully )

  • Had to walk half-way across the complex just to get the mail

  • No lock on my bedroom door

  • The Lyft drivers can't always find me

FOURTH PLACE (NOW): Apartment (R)


  • Having a lock on my bedroom door

  • The mail is a closer walk


  • My bedroom is catacorner to my mom's room, like right next to it

  • My bedroom is small

  • My closet won't fit all my clothes or much of anything

  • This loud bitch and her fucking boyfriend above us and just anyone who lives up there is a loud asshole

  • The apartment is overall so damn small

  • The kitchen is so damn small that we can't move around much or have a big fridge

  • There's bratty little kids around here who make noise

  • Shitty internet connection

  • It's too noisy to sleep in the mornings with the constant gardeners, construction, and garbage trucks

  • Shit breaks easily around here ( washer/dryer/sink/vertical blinds )

  • Cheap faux hardwood floors

  • I can hear everything coming from my mom's bedroom

  • DoorDash & UberEats drivers can't always find our apartment

  • The gate keeps people from delivering shit to me or my Lyft driver from getting in

  • The Lyft drivers can never find me

  • Crickets!!

  • Gnats!

So here's hoping that this next place, as ghetto as it is for living quarters, will be better than this one at least. I'm going to be so pissed though if I don't get a closet bigger than this small ass one I have now, and there better be a lock on my door. I'm going to try and get a new mattress before we move and just have them deliver it there to the new place, you know, ASSUMING THE FUCKING UNEMPLOYMENT OFFICE EVER DEPOSITS MY FUCKING MONEY!! This is bullshit! I certified for benefits on Monday and STILL, my fucking money isn't deposited yet. It NEVER takes this long. Unless they lied about all this, wouldn't surprise me. Fucking asshole motherfuckers! I really need to move the fuck out of California. I don't know where the fuck I'd go. I'd love to live in London or Las Vegas, maybe even New Orleans. I wanted to live in San Francisco or San Diego because of how good the weather is out there but still, its fucking California. I just can't with this fucking place anymore. We're treated worse than any other state since 2020. Piece of shit cocksucking asshole! When we move, I also need to go and attempt to cleanse/sage the place, hoping that will actually clear out any negative energy enough to give me some actual spirit activity. I don't know. Speaking of spirit activity, because I've been so tired lately and spending so much time playing Planet Coaster, I haven't been able to meditate at all and I fucking hate it because I ain't getting any activity anymore and I really miss the cuddling and touch of my Concuans and the way they would remind me their nearby climbing on the bed and moving the covers.

Speaking of Planet Coaster, it's my new obsession. I bought it like several months ago. Probably more like a year and I never got around to playing it until this week but now I can't stop. Except to go to sleep or pee. Lol! See, this is why I don't play computer games anymore. It sucks so much time out of my life. I remember when I first discovered The Sims 2, I stayed up all night playing it, practically 24 hours. Now, this is becoming the same problem. If it weren't for Christian pulling me away from it. Have you guys played it before? It's one of those simulation games that let you build and run your own amusement park. It's addicting and fun. I've been playing in sandbox mode so I have unlimited funds to build and I have like over 5,000 guests now, almost 6,000 but I'm considering putting a cap on that. I had it at 2,700 but I wanted to see how many more people I could get in there. And I just straight up spent the past 2-3 hours watching YouTube tutorials and tip and trick videos on the game. Lol! Like I said, obsessed. Well, that and watching reruns of Family Matters. I decided to name my park, "Mikaelson Park" for lack of a better name, but now I'm actually thinking of making it like a theme park based off of The Originals & The Vampire Diaries. I already downloaded a bunch of workshop buildings that resemble the French Quarter and New Orleans in general and I'm also going to put custom New Orleans brass, blues, and jazz type music to go with the theme of the park when I go back to it, but to be perfectly honest, I'm so lazy to start playing it again. What if all the custom content really slows down the game as much as The Sims 4? Some people online say it does and others say it doesn't so I guess we'll find out. Honestly, another big reason I don't want to and dread going back to my game is because I'll have to delete and replace a lot of shit and basically redo my whole park. When I started creating my park, I didn't really have a theme. I was just doing whatever I thought looked good and now I'm going to have to overhaul everything. I think maybe the best thing to do is to close the park then reopen it when I'm done working on it. Or I could just pause the game and build. I don't know. What I like is that you can actually edit your park in live mode. I can't do that in The Sims 4. Damon thinks that's cool too. I think Christian is a little concerned with my obsession with this game, but I've taken two days away from it so far so. . .then again I'm waiting FOR THE FUCKING EDD TO GIVE ME MY FUCKING MONEY so that I can buy the three other packs in the collection. Most of the new stuff I downloaded won't work without that DLC. I swear, I'm going to file a fucking complaint against those motherfuckers if they don't put the money in there by Monday. It's already been 5 fucking days! I will NOT wait a full 10 days to bitch at them, no, they're asses are gonna hear from me by Monday if I don't see my fucking $500! Yeah, that's how much I should be getting deposited and it includes the $300 boost. Shit, for that matter, I should just build another park with the ideas I'm getting from these workshop items. I have another idea for a park based on my favorite things. I could call it "Amy Land" but that's boring. It might just have to be that though because I can't think of anything else. I thought about making another park based on my Tulpas and they would each have their own section of the park that is customized to them like "Christian Land" "Damon Land," "Hyde Land" and "Dom Land." I've even started getting some ideas for each of their lands.

Christian Land

  • Hearts ( cardiology )

  • Lungs ( respiratory )

  • Ballroom dancing ( Tango/dancing statues )

  • Tango, electronica & chill music

  • Calming & gentle rides

  • Sophisticated, classy & romantic decor & scenery

  • New York-style & Mediterranean buildings ( he was born in NY )

  • Rose bushes

  • Emphasis on nature & Old Hollywood

  • Horses

  • Surgical things/decor

  • Reading/Books

  • Dominant things

  • Colors: Browns, whites, reds, golds

Damon Land

  • Red crosses

  • Hearts

  • Medical things

  • Neon & flashing lights ( club-esque vibe )

  • Dance/rave/club & alternative/punk rock music

  • Lots of thrill rides & rollercoasters

  • Dramatic scenes

  • "Bad Boy" bachelor pad-like decor

  • Beach type scenery ( for his time living in Florida & then Venice Beach )

  • Gothic & rugged/wooden architecture

  • Colors: Black, grey, turquoise & purple

  • Vintage cars

  • Bars & clubs

Dom Land

  • Dental things

  • Dominant things

  • Teeth/Oral-centric scenery & decor

  • Lots of action-packed/manly rides with special effects & explosions

  • Targets ( target practice/guns )

  • Military/war scenery & decor ( maybe some artillery)

  • Glass and/or modern-looking architecture

  • Lots of palm trees, maybe some pools and fountains ( for his residence in the Hollywood Hills )

  • Action movie score music, soft rock and/or adult contemporary hits

  • Expensive cars

  • Colors: Greens, greys, and browns

  • Emphasis on minimalist

  • Backdraft: The ride ( for his firefighter brother )

Hyde Land

  • Steampunk, Victorian, and London decor & scenery

  • Weapons/torture devices

  • Murder/crime scenes

  • Blood

  • Victorian, Gothic & London architecture

  • Hard & Classic rock & dark/creepy ambient or score music

  • Flashing lights, shadows & darkness

  • Lots of dark rides and thrill rides

  • Emphasis on music/the "rocker" vibe

  • Medical things

  • Colors: Black, reds, greys

  • Some Dr. Jekyll references/things ;)

  • Things crooked or askew

  • Top hats, capes and canes

And then, of course, there's MY land, with all of my favorite things:

  • Animals: Cats ( mostly black ones ), Chihuahuas, Penguins, Wolves, Hedgehogs, Hamsters

  • Eras: The 20s, the 40s, the 80s and 90s

  • Cities: Las Vegas, Hollywood & San Francisco

  • Singing & writing

  • Movies/Film

  • Acting/Drama

  • Music: My favorite pop hit songs from the 80s-present, movie/tv soundtrack music, show tunes

  • Colors: Lots of pink & black

  • Victorian architecture

  • Shows: Charmed, The Originals, Buffy The Vampire Slayer

  • Crime Scene Investigation (CSI)/Criminal Justice

  • Teddy bears & dolls

  • Ghosts/spirits/haunted things

  • Junk food & sweets

  • Books

  • Princess theme/fairytale things

  • Rose bushes

So I'm already excited about making that Tulpa park. I could get really creative with that. I need to come up with better names for the parks though.

Okay, last but not least, YEEES, I did get another video from Daddy. Took his ass long enough though. Can someone explain to me why Daniel Gillies always does this to me? He's just like me when it comes to homework. He waits until the last fucking minute to make and send me my video. Fucking tease! Does he do it just a torture me? Ugh! I should've known he would take that fucking long. It's his way. I actually came on here and looked back on my past blog when he did a video for me and I was like: "OHHHH, okay, so his ass is doing this again." But fuck! You'd think that having COVID, he would've answered me sooner. I mean, that shit is a time-sensitive thing, you know? But okay, in all fairness, I did say that I had a "mild" case of COVID. I guess he figured it didn't "deserve" an immediate response.

At least this time he didn't wait until the last day and basically minutes before it expired like he did before and made me stress out, but it was still worrying me and Christian was just like telling me: "He's going to do it, sweetheart. Just give him time." Pffft! Damon was of course just stressing me out more, telling me to fucking forget about him. But like I said, he still finally sent me a video, a much shorter video (2:22) than I would've expected from him, and on top of that, he was wearing a fucking hat, a T-shirt, and sweats! He was like: "I can't do that. I would look silly. I'm in a T-shirt and a hat."

Of course, he would say that shit. He didn't offer me any comfort or reassurance like I wanted him to. He said he would LIKE TO offer me the comfort and reassurance I deserve, but of course he couldn't be Elijah.

All he did was wish me a "swift and speedy recovery," a beautiful year, day, week, evening. He said that he was sorry I had COVID and that he feels for me, mentioned that a friend of his and his friend's kids recently called and told him they had COVID too. He said it's getting more and more rampant and like it's 1 in 5 here in California. He wanted to know where I'm at. Uhhh, Daddy? I'm in Cali too! Probably an hour from you if you live in L.A. like all the other celebs.

Wouldn't he be surprised to hear that. Tehehehe! He said I could DM him after the video, but I think he just meant I could review it and answer his question so I did. I told him I'm in Cali too, about an hour outside of L.A. and that I met him in San Francisco at TVD/TO convention. It was so sweet when he said: "In case I don't see you, which would be awful." Awwwwww!! Daaaaddy! And yet . . .when he did see me at the time, I don't recall him being so eager to be near me. It was probably my ugly face and fat ass that made him cringe internally. But yeah, whatever, I'm used to being seen as ugly. Story of my whole fucking life. He also apologized for his kids playing their instruments in the next room in case it was distracting. Lol! It wasn't I couldn't even hear it. Sadly, that video was NOT worth the $262 I paid for it, and now. . .HE'S NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE!!

There were only three things I liked about the video. The way he kept reaching out and touching the camera like he was touching/caressing my face the way Christian would, especially when he said "let me have a look" . . .SWEET BABY JESUS! I was thinking: "Yes, doctor, please."

Very Christian-like without him even realizing it, so thank you for that. I find joy in the littlest, subtlest things but still. The way he greeted me at the beginning of the video. . .OH. EM. GEE! He called me "BABY"!!!! I kid you not, he was like: "Amy, baby, Amy baby. . ." And I was like:

Personally, I would've loved it more if he called me "sweetheart" or "princess" like Christian, but as they say, beggars can't be choosers. I'll take whatever I can get from this gorgeous man. And then at the end, he was like: "alright, all my love, Darling" and sent me a kiss. EEEEEEEEE!! OH! And he also gave me a virtual hug earlier in the video. I forgot to mention that.

Daddy. I need to make a gif of Max saying: "I love you too, Daddy" because that would be the best one to use for this. So yeah, sadly, that was all I got from Daniel. I was going to buy another when I got more money, if I ever do, but nooo. . .his ass just had to make himself unavailable again and who knows when or if he'll ever come back. Ugh! Rude! Christian of course is like: "You don't need another one!" YES I DO! To make up for that crappy one. I would probably just ask him the questions I wish I could've asked him had we had lunch on V-Day, the ones that will help me with Christian as a character. But now. . .asshole. How dare he! GET BACK HERE AND LOVE ME DAMMIT!

So, that's about all I have to update for now. I know it was a long one but I was also long overdue. I bought another Loot Crate, using a coupon for 15% off in an email I got and also used some of my dad's money that he put in my Paypal so I only had to pay $14 for it as opposed to $45. Pretty awesome, huh? It's a Marvel crate. I saw they were doing a Fantastic 4 takeover this month so I just had to strike while the iron was hot before the date passed to get it. I know I wasn't so enthused by the Back To The Future crate, but hey, I like the Fantastic 4 franchise

ever since I was obsessed with Julian McMahon. I just wish they hadn't destroyed the movie with that shitty ass C-list actor remake. The only one that matters is the one with Jessica Alba, Chris Evans & Michael Chiklis. Am I right? Now, even though I really should be working on my next novel chapter ( despite not posting it ), I'm going to go on the Steam workshop again and look for more stuff for my future theme parks. Maybe. God, I would hope the game still runs at normal speed. I don't know what to do right now. I honestly just want to be lazy and sleep or meditate since I can only get like 15 mins worth anymore before being too tired to continue. By the way, these are the things I'm putting in my redone Mikaelson park:

  • A bayou with a cabin, trees, and boat

  • Werewolf animatronics

  • Werewolf/vampire-themed roller coasters

  • Brass, jazz, and blues music

  • Voodoo witch/witch scenery, decor, and buildings

  • New Orleans, Gothic & Victorian houses/buildings

  • A cemetery & crypt

  • A garden with twinkling lights

  • Fountains

  • Lots of yellow, gold, purple, green, and brown

  • A forest like Mystic Falls & New Orleans

  • Vampire-themed vendors

  • A New Orleans church

  • Mardi Gras themed scenery, decor, and buildings

  • New rides

  • Chess pieces

  • New lamp posts and fences

I think that's pretty damn good, don't you? I've already gathered lots of that stuff from the workshop. So. . .see ya!


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