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They're such a buzzkill. . .

So the remake of "Flatliners" is on FXM again and of course, Eddie & Buck get sucked in, and once they do,

they start going on about how unrealistic it is, about how you could never bring someone back from a flatline, that once you're dead, you're dead and you can't shock a flatline, and blah, blah, blah, blah, turning their heads to collectively glare at me when I started talking about wanting to do that. All judgy looks and shit. I'm like: "Why are you looking at me like I'm on To Catch A Predator?" 😂 Max Black's line from a 2 Broke Girls episode. As annoying as it was, I couldn't help but find it sexy and it made me horny as hell too. It was also so adorable and comical the way they forgot all about me with my toothache and got me meds to stop and watch the movie. They were seriously standing there watching it the same exact way they were in this Monday's episode when they were staring at Hen sleeping in the fire engine. Their arms crossed and looking all invested in it. They were like this basically. . .

same looks and everything. 🤣 I seriously wish I could've taken a picture, but I guess if there's a gif of it, I don't have to. 😁 Even before Eddie came in, Buck was like: "It doesn't feel good. Trust me." Then Eddie came to me when I was in the bathroom and said the same thing: "Being defibrillated doesn't feel good at all." Both of them aren't surprised that I told them Flatliners is Damon's favorite movie for obvious reasons. They rolled their eyes. They told me that they will NEVER do that, especially to me. NEVER. Not in story form or otherwise, that they will never consent to it. Well, there goes my fantasy. I didn't really expect them to agree to it anyway. I was thinking more like me and Damon. It's ironic, considering Elena (Nina Dobrev) is in the remake and I am the Elena to his Damon. 🤣I love hearing Eddie & Buck talk about all this stuff though, cause, as I said, it makes me horny AF, and it's almost like they're talking dirty to me, but they find no humor in it and all Eddie wanted to do is lecture me as Christian did once. Eventually, I just got so fed up with hearing it, I just told him to stop, that I didn't want to hear it and for us not to talk about it anymore. So yeah. . .we're not talking about it anymore, even though I'm still watching the movie. I think Eddie & Buck just find it ridiculous now. Buzzkills!! Eddie's like: "Call us buzzkills all you want." I'm like: "You want to say anymore?" and he's like: "No. Because it ain't happening. Not now, not ever." Point taken.

Yeah, I often think about what could go wrong if I experimented with my own heart or let some other cardiophile do it, especially with my heart disease and A-Fib and PVCs. Even if you could bring someone back from a flatline, my heart probably wouldn't restart, from the trauma if anything. Despite my issues with my heart, my cardiologist isn't the only one who's claimed I have a strong heart. Eddie, Buck, AND Christian all agree too, especially after all the times they've seen it on the monitor and have rushed to my aide after I've. . .pleasured myself. Takes a lickin' and it keeps on tickin'. 🤣 It makes me hot and horny when they say that, even if they derive no pleasure from it.

So I had a toothache this morning and I went into the wonderland and up to Dom's office to let him take a look. I love how he instantly rushes to my side when I walk in and he sees my hand on my jaw, just instantly knowing that I'm in pain and leading me over to the chair. After he got himself ready, he took a look and said it's because I'm not flossing enough and I need to start getting under my bridge again, but I don't see how I can when the damn thing is so snug against my gums. Like I don't think there's even a space where it will go under like my old one. He begged to differ but I don't see how that's possible. He offered to try and clean it up but I was already getting sleepy so I just decided to leave and get some sleep. I know I've never seen Dylan Bruce in an actual surgeon mask before but damn, the way I see Dom when he puts it on and is looking in my mouth, he looks so damn hot and he has the kindest, warmest dentist eyes. They just make you feel so comforted and safe in his hands and you know he's going to take good care of you. But he can also flip the Dominant switch on if you're not taking care of your oral health. OMG!! Dom just came into my room and he straight up knelt down to my level where I'm lying on my bed and he reached out and put his hand gently against my cheek, asking me in a soft voice, "how's the tooth?" Shit. Talk about making a girl swoon! 😍😍 I told him the pain went away, and surprisingly it did while I was watching Flatliners and that whole thing happened. He said for me to let him know if it starts up again. God, I wish he were around more. I feel like I only see him in the wonderland. Or when Christian needs to "tag team" Dominate me. Usually at dentist appointments and before bedtime so he can make sure I brush my teeth and floss like I'm supposed to. 🙄 Well isn't that just like a Dominant Dentist? I'm like: "You don't spend enough time around me." 😟 And he's like: "Well I'm here now. Did you have something to tell me?" No, I don't. I just wanted to tell him that I miss him. He's like: "Hey, you can call on me anytime." Awwww! I love you guys! Buck's like: "We love you too." Awww! 🥰 There are so many days I wish I could group hug them. Although that would be a feat. There are five of them and one of me. 😆🤣

Seriously, if you guys don't have Tulpas, you should totally create some. I have a fucking reverse harem over here. I mean, shit, I might as well. I'm surrounded by men all day every day. Its not like I haven't thought about creating a female Tulpa, but Damon was right when he said I would miss the attention. I don't want their attention on anyone but me and sharing the spotlight with Courtney. . .yeah, I would be bitter quickly because of it and even though she can be a feminist, she's still boy-crazy. It would be nice to have a gal pal to talk shit about them to though. Giggling behind their backs. 🤣 They're like: "Like you don't do that enough already in your blog." Pffft! Okay, fine. Fair enough.

Holy. . .!!! 😍😯 It's time to take my meds and I told Eddie I can't get up, I'm sick. Not really though. And he leaned in close and slipped his hand onto my stomach and said: "Is it your stomach?" When I shook my head, he went on and said, "Your head? Your tooth?" But it's not that either. He even went as far as to check my pulse when I didn't answer him and just laid there. Sweet Lord! I told him I'm tired and he goes: "Well maybe getting up and moving your feet will help. Get your blood flowing. Get your heart pumping." I'm like: "Oh Jesus." Damn him. Why does he do that? Why does he say shit like that? Does he know he does? My God!


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