So I guess you could say be careful what you wish for. Remember how I said I wished Daniel would put a "TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE" banner over his picture on Cameo? Well, the sexy little shit went and did that. DAMN! And just when I was going to try and get Kat to help me with another request. Yeah, I know, you're probably thinking I'm as crazy as Christian said I would be if I spent almost $1,000 on his ass but still. . .it would be nice to get a video from him that he didn't make some smart ass remark in and assume shit about me when he doesn't know a damn thing about me. It would be a miracle if he was genuinely nice, but maybe that's impossible. Still worth another video to see what he's wearing and how his hair is and everything. Lol. Yeah, I know this stems from my high school days when I had a massive crush on this one guy ( who ironically was named Christian ), and I used to have a couple of classes with him but I would always write in my journal about what he was doing or wearing each day. One time I even had my mom park half a block away from the school just so I could see him walking home. Don't judge me. I was majorly crushing on him because for some reason I thought he looked like a Hispanic Justin Timberlake. Now I look at him and I say: "WTF was I thinking?" He came to Target once when I was working there and no surprise, he married the same bitch he was seeing back in high school and had a son. I never thought I'd see him so domesticated when he wasn't the type at all. He looked like a lumberjack, to be honest. LOL! In high school, he was like Shane West in "A Walk To Remember," always sitting in the back of the class with his headphones on and just off in his own little world, not caring about anything or anyone. But enough about him. . .back to Daniel "fucking" Gillies. I am SO fucking glad I took the initiative and requested those videos when I did, even though I didn't get what I wanted from him cause he's a little fucking shit who won't do "tricks" to make his fans happy. Ass. I would be pissed as hell if I went to on Cameo now and saw that because a bunch of celebrities that I really want videos from have had that "TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE" banner up for weeks: Jack Osbourne, Ed Quinn, Melissa Joan Hart, Busy Phillips, George Lopez, Skeet Ulrich, Bam Margera, Deborah Cox, Jamie Kennedy, Rebecca Gayheart, Rose McGown, Tisha Campbell, and Claire Holt. Yep, all of them and they aren't available. Ugh! I mean, I know they're saving me money but still. . .I'm losing happiness here. My mom and Christian really don't understand and I don't think they ever will. I'm not wasting my money. I'm buying happiness. Whoever said money couldn't buy happiness clearly hadn't discovered Cameo because it wasn't out at the time. Think about it. Would they rather I spend money on shit I don't need like: QVC and Torrid clothes, T-shirts, books, DVDs or monthly crates, or spend money on videos from some of my favorite celebrities who I might never meet otherwise? Now you tell me which would be worse? With all this money, I could end up becoming a hoarder and I really don't want that. It's only now looking around my room that I realize I need to stop buying worthless shit. Cameos are worth every penny!!
I say that even though I just bought more stuff off Amazon, but shit, it's stuff I need. Well. . .maybe not the stickers but $6 for 50, that's a deal and I'm getting tired of the ones on my laptop. So back to what I was saying about the Cameos. Here's the status on my collection:
Daddy Gillies (x3)
Andrew Lees
April & Phil Margera
Chris Gorham
Chris Kirkpatrick
David Lascher
Eric Roberts
French Stewart
Jenna Leigh Green
Jonathan Kite
Karan Ashley
Lochlyn Munro
Marsha Thomason
Mark Curry AKA "Mr. Cooper"
Nick Groff
Sean Patrick Thomas
Shawn Killinger
Tom Lenk
Wesley Jonathan
Colin Egglesfield ( 2nd try )
Jonathan Kite ( pt. 2 )
Andrew Lees ( pt. 2 )
Sebastian Roche
Scott Grimes ( expired & declined ? )
Samantha Harris ( declined ) Bitch
Constantine Maroulis ( declined ) Asshole
Hal Sparks ( expired )
I really wish I had more pending right now but I'm hesitant to let go of any more money. I still really want ones from Joey Fatone, Chris Daughtry, Emma Caulfield, Lance Bass, Joey Lawrence, Joseph Morgan, Laura Bell Bundy, and a bunch of others but they are all $100 or more. Joey Fatone & Joseph Morgan the most. Part of me wants to wait until my birthday but there are still things I want to tell them and ask them. I don't know. What I really love is how sweet Andrew Lees is. He always sends me a message when his time expires and personally apologizes to me, promising he'll get it done. Who would've thought he'd be so nice? I love him! I still really fucking hate his character, Lucien Castle from "The Originals" but at least now I can watch him in the show and smile, remembering what a sweetie he is. He said in his first video that he hopes he can meet me someday and give me a big hug. Awwww!

Now see...Daniel could learn a thing or two from him on how to treat his fans. Little bitch. I just keep picturing myself as Katherine Heigel in "New Year's Eve" slapping him across the face like she did Bon Jovi when he shows up there in her kitchen. *Sofia Vagara voice* "Do you think Daniel will sign a banana? I don't have any payyy-per." I wonder how she felt about getting to slap Bon Jovi. Hmmm. . .I would be so ashamed if it were me. I mean, fuck, it was thee BON JOVI! I just got the one from Mark Curry today. . .LMAO! OMG! It was hilarious! Even if he didn't tell me anything I don't already know as far as surviving going to the dentist. I'm gonna have to ask him for another, talking about Halloween costumes and how my mom and I love when he was talking about how his mom put boxes on him and his siblings and how people would ask them: "What are you supposed to be?" and they'd be like: "I don't know, she didn't tell us. I think we UPS." LMAO!
God I feel like no matter how much sleep I get now, I'm still dead tired and I just have no energy to do anything and there's still a lot I need to do. I just bought a "to-do" pad off Amazon to help me get a handle on what needs to be done. Maybe Christian was right. Maybe I do need to keep using my C-PAP even if it does nothing for me. So what else? I started using Campfire Pro the past couple of days. I was pissed when I realized that you had to basically make your own templates from scratch for your character info, but then I realized that that's actually better for me so I can just make my own sections/categories with the panels. You can move them around too. So basically I just took all of Christian's info from my huge ass sketchbook that I was using for my writing journal and integrated each section into the panels. I love how you can add a little description to your list items to further reflect on what you put. Now, I basically have everything you could ever want to know about Christian in one place and pretty soon, the rest of my characters. Wish I could show it to my readers but you know what? The majority of them don't even seem to give a shit about me anymore or what I post. Like the day before yesterday, I thought I'd do something nice for them and share the video that Daniel Gillies made for me saying "Christian Masters" and talking about how he would need to prepare to even portray him and do you think any of them even cared or watched it? No. YOU'D THINK THAT OF ALL THINGS WOULD DRAW THEM LIKE BEES TO HONEY. . .DANIEL GILLIES HIMSELF taking about a character they adore! But no, they're just a bunch of ungrateful child so yeah, I'm just going to take it down. Fuck them! I bet if I posted a video of Daniel addressing all of them, they still wouldn't care. It's shit like this that really makes me never want to come back more and more each day. If I EVER decide to come back, you can bet your ass that I'll just be making my chapters drafts and leaving them like that for my own eyes only. They piss me off. I swear. The only fan/reader I have at this point is myself. As much as I hate switching to another site without gifs, maybe I'll post it on FictionPress. I'd have to go back and re-write tit though, which is fine since no one outside of that site would have read it before anyway. So fuck em! Fuck em all!

I keep losing followers anyway so. . .yeah, whatever. I'm done with them. Glad I haven't been working on my novel. There has to be another site out there that lets you put gifs in your chapters. Right? If anyone knows of one, please give me a shout.
I was supposed to go to the dentist, the endodontist last week but not only was I far too tired but I was having cramps so Dom and Christian let me stay home. I thought they'd be mad, but they understood and they weren't about to make me go if I wasn't feeling well but I DO have to go this coming Tuesday. Wish I could get a pep talk from Daniel. But I ain't wearing no face diaper when I go in there. I'll wait outside if I have to. Speaking of those fucking face diapers, I bought three anti-face diaper shirts. One says: "My body, my choice" and another says: "God given right to fresh air and oxygen," and the third says: "Unmask America." LOL! I still want to buy the other that says: "It's not about safety, its about compliance." It'll be my huge FUCK YOU to everyone when I go out and if anyone wants to start some shit with me, BRING IT ON! I'll fuck you up! I have the rage of a serial killer. I'm sick of these asshole motherfucking doctors who deny all this bullshit about face diapers not lowering your oxygen level or increasing your CO2. First of all, you cocksuckers, YOUR BODY IS DIFFERENT FROM EVERYONE ELSES BODY THEREFORE YOU HAVE NO FUCKING SAY IN THE MATTER. Second of all, you fucks are used that shit being on your face for hours and you're usually sedentary when it is on. THIRD OF ALL, you don't have underlying respiratory or heart conditions or anxiety that would make it hard for you to breathe with that bullshit on your face for hours. In an article somewhere, I forgot where it was, but I should have saved it, it says that those with underlying conditions are EXEMPT from wearing face diapers. Some fuck on YouTube linked me to some fucking article where this other cocksucking idiot doctor said in an article that that's not an excuse. BULLSHIT! You want to fight me, you can take it up with the ADA and pay the $75,000 fine, which I'm sure you golddiggers can afford seeing as how you get paid to sit on your ass now instead of giving people operations that could save their lives, or claiming people who die of anything else have died from COVID just for the money you get back for putting that as the cause of death. It's pathetic. I really want to buy a gun to defend my rights when I go out but since I'm hardly doing that as it is. . .maybe I'll save up for one. How much are guns these days? Are the stores still open for business? Like I said, if anyone wants to fight me on not putting a face diaper on my face because I'm not paranoid like the rest of them, they can take it up with my lawyer. I have enough money now that I could afford one. Probably. So no, I'm not going to be a fucking naive slave sheep like everyone else who believes in this fake ass virus. My mom triggers me sometimes claiming that since she works at the department of public health that she knows everything, that there's even more cases than they're reporting. BULLSHIT MAMA! BULL. SHIT.
So the 4th of July was a bust. Damon wanted to go get the mail, mostly because he wanted to go see fireworks and he usually goes with me anyway and I know I had a shitload of packages waiting for me. He's just like a little kid. Unfortunately, we didn't see anything but there were people barbecuing and I got jealous. I want barbecue. At least they weren't wearing face diapers or I woulda said something or mumbled something. Anyway,

I haven't been feeling so good lately. I'm not feeling good right now either and before you assume, its not some fake ass virus. It's me eating too much junk food and fast food. I really need to listen to Christian more often and stop that. If only he could really give me a huge ass punishment so I would stop for sure by remembering the pain. Pain that I know he would make sure I feel for a week. At least I can rest assured that my medical spirits/team are still taking care of me too. Christian still calls to me to tell him my vitals now and then. You know one thing I find sweet that he always does? When I get out of breath, he reaches out and he immediately takes my wrist to check my pulse then he'll tell me: "Long deep breaths, sweetheart. Long deep breaths. Thaaat's it." Then he'll wait a minute or two after staring at his watch and then tell me: "There we go. Atta girl. Your heart rate's coming down" or he'll say: "There were go. You're back in sinus rhythm." Have I told you how much I love that this man is a heart surgeon? Even Daniel found it interesting that he was a cardiothoracic surgeon. I really, really want him to make a video for my stories/series but damn him to hell, he'll probably see it as him doing "tricks." Asshole. But damn do I want it. I seriously would've cherished that video if he had done one pretending to be Christian. I would've cherished it forever. I would watch it over and over again. How do I get that across to him? Do I have to be in front of him and drop to my knees, bowing my head in submission? I mean, not that I would mind because I would su---nevermind.
ANYway, yeah, I think I'm going to go and work on my character profiles.