So yesterday was likely another waste of time because I had my interview at Ross. I really didn't feel like going and honestly, I just wanted to go back to sleep, but I had to get up and get dressed.

The night before, I actually found my brown suede Jessica Simpson boots that I had been looking for forever. I call them my "noisy boots" because of the hard wooden heel. So I just decided to wear those like I used to for job interviews. . .at least until I have some suitable dress shoes. I also went as far as --- ugh! Kelly Cocksucker has a star on the Walk of Fame now? That fat fucking cum dumpster doesn't deserve one! All she's good at is sucking her dad off and the microphone she sings into and all the other dildos I'm sure she owns. But I'm getting off-topic, sorry. So I even went as far as to put some make-up on and a nice blouse ( that Buck & Eddie really liked and Buck even asked why I don't wear make-up all the time ). Uh, duh! Because I don't leave the house so what's the point in putting any on? I rarely leave the house anyway, except for appointments. All I did was put foundation on and mascara and a little eyeliner. I prefer the eyeliner the most because I actually look better with it on, but its so expensive and doesn't last long enough like ever before you whittle it away to sharpen it. Buck also asked me, "why do you call them your noisy boots?" 🤣 I was like: "You'll see." Then when I started going CLIP-CLOMP on the floor as I walked, he was like: "Ohhhh." .. 😂 He and Eddie had a good laugh about that one. I showed my boots to Eddie last night and he thought they were "very cute." 😁😁 Now before I get to the interview and stuff, I have to tell you about this overly sexual dream I had about Christian the night before. OH. MY. GOD. Just before I had that dream, I was asking him about the possibility of dating Eddie and having an "open" relationship and fuck. . .he really gave new meaning to the words "marking your territory" and "claiming what's yours." Whenever I have dreams about him, I swear, I think I'm just dreaming about Daniel Gillies, but this Daniel Gillies was wearing a lab coat and scrubs so naturally, I assumed he was Christian. And I think I was having a birthday party or something and I was trying to see how many celebrities I could get to come to it and somehow not only did Daniel Gillies get invited to it but my ex Julian McMahon did too. And I fainted in the dream when I saw him and then he didn't really know what to do until he asked someone. I was still hearing and feeling everything even though I was face down on the floor, but he like lifted my legs and bent them and the person beside him told him to give me a minute before I finally became conscious again and then he took me into my grandparents living room and proceeded to bend me over the couch and fuck me from behind, spreading my legs and everything then I like hugged and snuggled into him while we were standing up again, and I asked him if he could do it again and he fucked me again from behind and the next thing I know, his cum is all in my mouth like I just sucked him off. 😒😒😱 Like WTF was that about? How did it end up there and why? And I was just like trying to hack it up and scrape it out of my mouth into the toilet and yeah. . .that wasn't exactly pleasant and I would feel much better if I never had another dream like that again. No offense, Christian, but yeah, WTF?
Okay, so back to the interview at Ross. I had a feeling I wasn't going to get the job anyway since my mom and I were stuck in traffic for like 10 fucking minutes or so and I was supposed to be there by 4:00. I called them and told them but they still said it was okay I show up. So when I did, me and the guys went in, I let a girl at the register know I was there for the manager and she told me to have a seat on one of the benches that they use for trying on shoes. . .God this really is a ghetto Ross since I didn't see shoes anywhere. While I sat there, Buck and Eddie sat on the other bench beside the one I was sitting on, Christian leaned back against the register counter with his arms crossed and Dom leaned against the edge of the register counter, and Damon just stood beside me. Finally, the manager came over and introduced herself and we shook hands ( apparently they're doing that again ), and she led me to the back office where we sat down and had the interview, Eddie, Buck, and Christian standing in the doorway. It seemed to go well enough, at least to the guys it did. She said its for a seasonal position from now until January and that they needed more cashiers and sales associates, but honestly. . .the Ross is a scuzzo place, and it's not exactly as attractive as the other Ross stores. Probably because of the location. I already didn't like being there. My mom wished I had applied at the other one I used to work at, but out of the three locations, this was the one who called me. But now. . .I think I'm screwed and they might be trying to hire me, which would BE A HUGE FUCKING SHOCK considering no one has in decades. See, apparently, they called earlier today when I was asleep and if they are calling instead of emailing me like she said they would after she did a few more interviews, then that's probably a YES. And now I really don't want to call them back or even work there. I mean, yes, technically I need the money, but the money and being right next to a Walmart with a full market are the only two pros in this decision. Everything else is a CON. The location, the people who shop there, the store environment itself, the fact that I know my fucking plantar fasciitis is bound to flare up the second I start working on my feet again for numerous hours several times a week, not to mention my low-energy level. I just can't. I mean, if it was working at TJ Maxx, MAYBE I would consider it, or even the other Ross, but not that one. I want to, but I'm more worried about my well-being and pushing myself beyond my physical abilities than anything else. And I have a feeling I'll be miserable when I do, and more than likely quit after a couple of days because I can't hack it. I don't want to tell my mom the truth though because she'll think I'm making excuses and being lazy, so I figure the best thing is just to lie to her and tell her they didn't hire me. I've been asking Eddie what I should do and all he keeps saying is:

"I don't know. It's up to you. I can't make that decision for you."

And Buck says: "It's up to you. If you think you can't handle it, then don't do it. You know Eddie and I just want you to be safe. . .I mean safe as in healthy."
They're such sweeties and I know they just want what's best for me, but this is really a predicament. I still really, really need money to pay my bills. I don't even remember how long Ross shifts are. I mean, maybe I could handle 4 hours or less, but not more than that. And it sucks that they only pay bi-weekly. Ugh, let's just move on from it now.
After Ross, we went to Petsmart because my mom had to get something. I don't know. Anyway, after changing my shoes to some sandals, I went in to see and play with the cats. They like it when I take out my lanyard and wave it in their faces. They try to grab it and claw at it. It's cute. The minute we walked in, it stank and Damon was like: "See?" He was all talking about how they would stink up my room. Yeah. . .maybe but they would still make me so happy, yes they would. There was a white and gray Siamese female in there named "Lagrimas" that had Eddie laughing. That means "tears" in Spanish. I stuck my fingers through the bars and let her bite and gnaw at them, Buck and Eddie immediately warning me against it ( typical paramedics ). Eddie's like: "Watch out. She's going to bite you!" And Buck being like: "Amy, stop. Don't." 🙄🙄 My God. Her teeth weren't even that sharp. It felt more ticklish than painful and they were worried about it? Like chill medics! Chill! I know they mean well but my God, it's just a cat. And she's had her shots. Eventually, they let it go after I just kept doing it even despite their debates, but I could still feel the tension and concern pouring off of them as they watched me. Damon, of course, goes on about how I would pay the cat more attention than them if I really did get one. Pffft! That's such a fucking lie. I would not. I told him that cats and I have the same personality. That I am a cat. And he's like: "Yeah, grumpy cat." That gave the rest of the guys a laugh. Pffft! I had to go peek at the other pets before my mom left, looking at the guinea pigs, the hamsters, and the birds. Maybe I should apply at Petsmart or Petco again. I would love to be around the animals. Not cleaning their fucking cages though. But the rest.
After Petsmart, we went to ALDI so I could stock up on more jerky ( my crack ) and crab and orange juice. Had to have Eddie help me find the damn jerky. He's like: "Check the next aisle." Sure enough. Smarty pants. After ALDI, I really wanted some Poke' so we went to Pokeville, and naturally. . .I got sick eating it. That's nothing new. And seriously, I'm never going there again. That fucking Poke place gives you tiny ass portions for a three-scoop bowl ( like the fucking pineapple slices look like corn! ) and hardly any soy sauce on top, even if Eddie begged to differ that I don't need a lot of soy sauce because of the sodium. From now on, its either Lemonshark Poke or Bluewater Poke. And of course, after that, we just came home. I was planning on showering because I was all hot and sweaty, but I was too lazy and tired so I just said fuck it! I'll do it tonight with Eddie. He and Buck are so damn paranoid when they knew Damon is sleeping next to me, like he did last night. They're cute as hell though when they say: "She better be breathing/have a pulse tomorrow." I tell them they can come and check me themselves if they want to, and Damon says the same. I pretended like I was asleep when the two of them---

"You pretended like you were asleep?"
Uhhh. . .well you could see I was still breathing!

"I knew there was something off about your respirations."
Holy. . .!!! OMG! 😯🤭 He's poking a very horny bear and he doesn't care. He went as far as to actually climb onto my bed and listen to my heart after Buck did the same thing to check my pulse. These two. . .fuck. They're going to be the death of me. Like even though I've had this dry cough because of my hypertension meds, he was so sweet and cute earlier when he grabbed my shoulders, rubbed my upper arms, and leaned in real close with a playful smile to try and reiterate, "I'm telling you, there's nothing wrong with your lungs. They're good. You just need to get your doctor to switch your meds again." Why is he so cute? He even came to sit behind me and give me a neck and shoulder massage because I asked for a "medic massage." And damn it, I said it before but I'll say it again. . .he knows me so well to know when I'm faking sick and when I'm not. Like I can't ask for medical attention with a coy smile on my face. Well. . .I guess that's common sense. Who would? 🙄🙄 Duh! But if I ask him to examine me, I'm just doing it for fun usually and he knows that. It's when I don't ask and try to insist that I'm fine that he knows I'm seriously in need of his medical attention.

"Yep, that's pretty much it."

And Buck is just eating this up right now. 🙄🙄 The little shit! 🙂
Anyway. . .I think I'm going to go and take a nap. Eddie & I can shower later. By the way, my bitch aunt is back. . unfortunately. She came back last night, but we all know her ass is going to end up on the floor again and then have to be taken somewhere else. Ugh! Whatever. Lates!